soaringbird 发表于 2003-5-9 10:40:29


C:\IFEPG>cd nfe

C:\IFEPG\nfe>call gfepglib.bat

C:\IFEPG\nfe>del fepg.lib

C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c glvart.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.

glvart.for(124): warning FOR4270: unused symbol TA
glvart.for(124): warning FOR4269: unused dummy argument T
glvart.for(148): warning FOR4269: unused dummy argument T
glvart.for(169): warning FOR4269: unused dummy argument T

C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c consub.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.


C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c qint.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.

qint.for(546): warning FOR4639: inconsistent data type for argument 2 in call to
qint.for : warning FOR4227: argument A (number 2) in reference to procedure EXPS
1 from procedure UNIPNT incorrect: has the wrong data type
qint.for : warning FOR4227: argument B (number 3) in reference to procedure EXPS
1 from procedure UNIPNT incorrect: has the wrong data type

C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c shap.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.


C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c trisub.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.

trisub.for(67): warning FOR4270: unused symbol FNAME
trisub.for(123): warning FOR4269: unused dummy argument FILENAME
trisub.for(3032): warning FOR4639: inconsistent data type for argument 5 in call
trisub.for(3036): warning FOR4639: inconsistent data type for argument 5 in call
trisub.for(4858): warning FOR4639: inconsistent data type for argument 5 in call
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XB (number 14) in reference to procedure
TRILIU from procedure TRISUB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YB (number 15) in reference to procedure
TRILIU from procedure TRISUB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument STB (number 16) in reference to procedure
TRILIU from procedure TRISUB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument RIN (number 21) in reference to procedure
TRILIU from procedure TRISUB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XMARK (number 22) in reference to procedu
re TRILIU from procedure TRISUB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YMARK (number 23) in reference to procedu
re TRILIU from procedure TRISUB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument X (number 24) in reference to procedure T
RILIU from procedure TRISUB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument Y (number 25) in reference to procedure T
RILIU from procedure TRISUB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument LINEP (number 4) in reference to procedur
e PLINES from procedure TRILIU incorrect: is not an array
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument LINEP (number 2) in reference to procedur
e TRCASE from procedure TRILIU incorrect: is not an array
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument ST0 (number 34) in reference to procedure
TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XP (number 35) in reference to procedure
TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YP (number 36) in reference to procedure
TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument SPACING (number 37) in reference to proce
dure TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XYTEMP (number 38) in reference to proced
ure TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XPOINT (number 39) in reference to proced
ure TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YPOINT (number 40) in reference to proced
ure TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument SPCG (number 41) in reference to procedur
e TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XC (number 42) in reference to procedure
TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YC (number 43) in reference to procedure
TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument RA (number 44) in reference to procedure
TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument SPNG (number 45) in reference to procedur
e TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XT (number 46) in reference to procedure
TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YT (number 47) in reference to procedure
TRIPRE from procedure TRI incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument Y0 (number 4) in reference to procedure D
IVSEG from procedure CIRDV0 incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YN1 (number 6) in reference to procedure
DIVSEG from procedure CIRDV0 incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XB (number 3) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure CIRSEGDIV incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YB (number 4) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure CIRSEGDIV incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XC (number 5) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure CIRSEGDIV incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YC (number 6) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure CIRSEGDIV incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XCENT (number 1) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure UPQUPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YCENT (number 2) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure UPQUPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XCENT (number 1) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure DOWNPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YCENT (number 2) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure DOWNPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XB (number 3) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure DOWNQUPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YB (number 4) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure DOWNQUPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XC (number 5) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure DOWNQUPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YC (number 6) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure DOWNQUPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XCENT (number 1) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure DOWNQUPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YCENT (number 2) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure DOWNQUPRE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument R1 (number 9) in reference to procedure A
DDONEEG from procedure RPERB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument R2 (number 10) in reference to procedure
ADDONEEG from procedure RPERB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument R3 (number 11) in reference to procedure
ADDONEEG from procedure RPERB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YP (number 6) in reference to procedure A
DDONEPT from procedure RPERB incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XB (number 3) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure DOWNQUDRIZE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YB (number 4) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure DOWNQUDRIZE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XC (number 5) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure DOWNQUDRIZE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YC (number 6) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure DOWNQUDRIZE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XCENT (number 1) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure DOWNQUDRIZE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YCENT (number 2) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure DOWNQUDRIZE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XCENT (number 1) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure UPQUDRIZE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YCENT (number 2) in reference to procedur
e CIRDIV from procedure UPQUDRIZE incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XB (number 3) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure GAP incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YB (number 4) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure GAP incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument XC (number 5) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure GAP incorrect: has the wrong data type
trisub.for : warning FOR4227: argument YC (number 6) in reference to procedure A
NGLE from procedure GAP incorrect: has the wrong data type

C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c qtmesh.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.


C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c merge.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.


C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c amidp.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.


C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c getname.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.


C:\IFEPG\nfe>fl32 /c ccshap.for
Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStationVersion 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1982-1995. All rights reserved.


C:\IFEPG\nfe>rem powerstation fortran compiler build lib

C:\IFEPG\nfe>rem link32 -lib -out:fepg.lib *.obj

C:\IFEPG\nfe>LINK -lib -out:fepg.libglvart.OBJ consub.OBJ qint.OBJ shap.OBJ cc
shap.obj trisub.OBJ qtmesh.OBJ merge.OBJ getname.obj amidp.obj
Microsoft (R) 32-Bit Library Manager Version 3.00.5270
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1995. All rights reserved.

C:\IFEPG\nfe>if exist fepg.lib goto 1
......ifepg library is ready!..........

请按任意键继续 . . .

seeksilence 发表于 2003-5-9 12:49:27

回复: 【讨论】我安装ifepg到最后,如果有如下信息是对的吗?


soaringbird 发表于 2003-5-9 16:29:40

回复: 【讨论】我安装ifepg到最后,如果有如下信息是对的吗?

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查看完整版本: 【讨论】我安装ifepg到最后,如果有如下信息是对的吗?