cavingao 发表于 2008-7-18 09:50:52


1. 在定常热分析中,给part表面添加初始温度边界, 其中的surface applied temperature 和surface temperature,前者有stiffness,后者没有. 这两种施加方法在应用时有何区别?

2. 分析时发现,设定分析参数时, 将缺省节点温度设置为40.5度。 然后 模型中一部分节点温度设置为4度, 未添加温度边界的节点按说应该默认是这个值40.5度,但是分析结果中整个场的温度却均为4度。 当把未添加温度边界的节点定义为40.5度以后,才能分析得到合理的温度场分布。不知是何原因。

chuman 发表于 2008-7-18 11:28:52

surface temperature用于指定初始温度:A nodal temperature specifies the temperature of the node at the beginning of the analysis (time = 0). 此温度可能随时间改变。
applied temperature在定常分析中保持节点温度不变。 In a steady state heat transfer analysis, an applied temperature is used to fix a node to a certain temperature throughout the analysis.

chuman 发表于 2008-7-18 11:33:21

在定常分析中,surface temperature通常不起作用。In a steady state heat transfer analysis, the temperature at time 0 has no affect unless the model contains some type of nonlinear temperature effect (temperature dependent material properties, radiation, temperature dependent convection, and so on).

cavingao 发表于 2008-7-18 15:49:33

明白了,多谢chuman.这样说来surface temperature应该是常用在瞬态热分析中赋予节点初始温度的.

chuman 发表于 2008-7-18 23:27:40

设定分析参数时,缺省节点温度也是用于设定初始值的.If no temperature is applied to a node, that node will start the analysis with the temperature defined in the "Default nodal temperature" field in the "Options" tab of the "Analysis Parameters" dialog.
所以对于定常分析, 你设的值也就没什么作用了.

cavingao 发表于 2008-7-22 10:12:32

原帖由 chuman 于 2008-7-18 23:27 发表
设定分析参数时,缺省节点温度也是用于设定初始值的.If no temperature is applied to a node, that node will start the analysis with the temperature defined in the "Default nodal temperature" field ...
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