upisme 发表于 2011-12-7 09:01:34


sangxiluo 发表于 2011-12-7 10:59:54


cyxjlu 发表于 2011-12-11 10:01:13


洛水之畔 发表于 2011-12-17 10:58:04


龙骑士 发表于 2011-12-19 18:06:18

这个比较复杂啊 难得啊

zhlxxn 发表于 2011-12-23 13:11:51

O(∩_∩)O谢谢 楼主 看起 就来劲

skygotone 发表于 2011-12-24 13:17:52


lizhuofu66 发表于 2011-12-25 09:50:35


smugdn1 发表于 2012-3-5 18:57:45

呵呵 ,谢谢楼主

luyang1988 发表于 2012-3-12 09:43:32


shangdy1314 发表于 2012-3-12 10:28:20


liyuan2028 发表于 2012-3-16 15:33:28

mark一下 以后用得到

三心草 发表于 2012-3-18 09:56:31

Reading in property files...
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - LMX_TransferCase.ues_front_lsd : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - LMX_TransferCase.ues_driveline_input : mdids://lmx_4_a_2_s_d/powertrains.tbl/V12_engine_map.pwr
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - LMX_TransferCase.ues_rear_lsd : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - LMX_front_axle_diff.ues_LSD : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - LMX_rear_1_axle_diff.ues_LSD : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - LMX_rear_2_axle_diff.ues_LSD : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - LMX_rear_axle_diff.ues_LSD : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - ues_front_lsd.gss_spline : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - ues_driveline_input.gss_spline : mdids://lmx_4_a_2_s_d/powertrains.tbl/V12_engine_map.pwr
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - ues_rear_lsd.gss_spline : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - ues_LSD.gss_spline : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - ues_LSD.gss_spline : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - ues_LSD.gss_spline : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
ERROR: The property file referenced by the following element was not found:
ERROR: - ues_LSD.gss_spline : <lmx_4_a_2_s_d>/differentials.tbl/viscous_coupling.dif
Reading of property files failed.

xiaopangsun 发表于 2012-3-25 19:58:51


xiaopangsun 发表于 2012-3-25 19:59:35


xiaopangsun 发表于 2012-3-25 20:01:02

能不能给指点一下啊,我用的是MD ADAMS 2010版本,谢谢啊

fdsadfdsid 发表于 2012-4-7 20:56:07


caicayn 发表于 2012-4-11 19:08:59


lmxtom 发表于 2012-4-12 11:39:42

caicayn 发表于 2012-4-11 19:08 static/image/common/back.gif

请按照使用说明,修改好路径 及 别名,所有因属性文件问题的反馈都请注意!

caicayn 发表于 2012-4-13 21:10:58

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