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贴个TrueGrid User’s Manual里没有的命令trprt

发表于 2013-1-31 21:06:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 浙江温州
本帖最后由 tiny0o0 于 2013-1-31 21:15 编辑

trprt : 1)  merge phase下可以将现有的part transformation到合适的位置,然后再进行stp 0.001

            2) 后面跟的trans系列命令跟其他的trans系列命令一致。

The command is:

TRPRT part_# trans ;

where a transformation is a product from left to right of the following operators

MX x_offset
MY y_offset
MZ z_offset
V x_offset y_offset z_offset
SCV x1 y1 z1 distance
DV x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
RX theta
RY theta
RZ theta
RAXIS angle x0 y0 z0 xn yn zn
TF origin x-axis y-axis
where each of the arguments consist of a coordinate type followed by coordinate information:
RT x y z (Cartesian coordinates)
CY rho theta z (cylindrical coordinates)
SP rho theta phi (spherical coordinates)
PT c.i (label of a labeled point from a 3D curve)
PT s.i.j (label of a labeled point from a surface)
FTF 1st_origin 1st_x-axis 1st_y-axis 2nd_origin 2nd_x-axis 2nd_y-axis
where each of the arguments consist of a coordinate type
followed by coordinate information:
RT x y z (Cartesian coordinates)
CY rho theta z (cylindrical coordinates)
SP rho theta phi (spherical coordinates)
PT c.i (label of a labeled point from a 3D curve)
PT s.i.j (label of a labeled point from a surface)
INV (invert the present transformation)
CSCA scale_factor
XSCA scale_factor
YSCA scale_factor
ZSCA scale_factor
  1. 范例:
  2. para r1 .7 r2 .9 xs .6 ys 1;
  3. cylinder 1 3;1 91;-1;%r1 %r2;0 360;0;
  4. lct 1 xsca %xs ysca %ys;lrep 1 ;
  5. endpart
  6. para r1 1 r2 1.2 xs .8 ys 1;
  7. cylinder 1 3;1 91;-1;%r1 %r2;0 360;0;
  8. lct 1 xsca %xs ysca %ys;lrep 1 ;
  9. endpart
  10. para r1 1.3 r2 1.5 xs 1 ys 1;
  11. cylinder 1 3;1 91;-1;%r1 %r2;0 360;0;
  12. lct 1 xsca %xs ysca %ys;lrep 1 ;
  13. endpart
  14. para r1 2 r2 2.2 xs 1 ys .8;
  15. cylinder 1 3;1 91;-1;%r1 %r2;0 360;0;
  16. lct 1 xsca %xs ysca %ys;lrep 1 ;
  17. endpart
  18. para r1 3.2 r2 3.4 xs 1 ys .6;
  19. cylinder 1 3;1 91;-1;%r1 %r2;0 360;0;
  20. lct 1 xsca %xs ysca %ys;lrep 1 ;
  21. endpart
  22. merge

  23. c 将Part 2 Y方向 移动5;
  24. TRPRT 2 MY 5  ;


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