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[其他] maxwell3D模型运行报错,应该是Band问题,求高手解答

发表于 2015-5-23 09:15:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 辽宁沈阳
错误提示:Could not map vertices on the moving mesh band.  Possible causes are: 1) Motion setup is not correct. 2) The model uses rotational motion, the geometry is less than a full circle, and master-slave boundaries were not defined on the surfaces of the wedge. 3) The model uses translational motion, and true surface curves were used on the band object or on the outermost faces of moving objects. 4) Extremely small gaps or faces exist in the geometry. These may need to be removed or enlarged. (9:11:41 上午  5月 23, 2015)
我改了motion steup,在查错的时候确实没出现什么问题。运动路径是直线的,因而排除第二种错误。第三个原因我看不懂。第四个问题我已经改了剖分了,我觉得剖的三角形已经很大了。请高手解释一下,感激不尽

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