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[警告错误信息] 切削问题-哪些warnings是不可忽略及解决方法?

发表于 2018-4-7 16:16:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 广东广州

1.*inelastic heat fraction and *specific heat are only used in an adiabatic analysis and a coupled temperature-displacement analysis

2.*inelastic heat fraction and *specific heat are only used in an adiabatic analysis and a coupled temperature-displacement analysis

3.*inelastic heat fraction and *specific heat are only used in an adiabatic analysis and a coupled temperature-displacement analysis

4.*The *INELASTIC HEAT FRACTION option is only meaningful for materials with dissipative properties (*PLASTIC, *VISCOELASTIC, or user material). The inelastic heat fraction will be ignored for this material definition.

5.The parameter hourglass on the *section controls option is relevant for solid, membrane, and shell elements with reduced integration wherever applicable. This warning can be ignored if the feature is applied to these element types only.

6.The parameter distortion control on the *section controls option is relevant for solid elements wherever applicable. This warning can be ignored if the feature is applied to solid elements only.

7.The parameter hourglass on the *section controls option is relevant for solid, membrane, and shell elements with reduced integration wherever applicable. This warning can be ignored if the feature is applied to these element types only.

8.For two-dimensional models, if a non-unity thickness is specified for two-dimensional solid elements and these elements are involved in an interaction such as contact, the same thickness should be specified for the out-of-plane thickness of the corresponding surface under *surface interaction.

9.Output request evf is not available for element type cpe4rt

10.Output request peeqvavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

11.Output request pevavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

12.Output request svavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

13.Output request evf is not available for element type cpe4rt

14.Output request peeqvavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

15.Output request pevavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

16.Output request svavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

17.Output request dmicrt is not available for the material for element type cpe4rt

18.Output request evf is not available for element type cpe4rt

19.Output request peeqvavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

20.Output request pevavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

21.Output request sdeg is not available for the material for element type cpe4rt

22.Output request svavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

23.Output request evf is not available for element type cpe4rt

24.Output request peeqvavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

25.Output request pevavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

26.Output request svavg is not available for element type cpe4rt

27.NO SEPARATION surface behavior specified in conjunction with balanced master-slave contact may overconstrain the contact interface, causing unstable behavior and/or inaccurate results.  See the contact pair defined between surfaces ASSEMBLY_CHIP_BOT and ASSEMBLY_JOINT_TOP.

28.NO SEPARATION surface behavior specified in conjunction with balanced master-slave contact may overconstrain the contact interface, causing unstable behavior and/or inaccurate results.  See the contact pair defined between surfaces ASSEMBLY_WORK_TOP and ASSEMBLY_JOINT_BOT.

29.There are 28 warning messages in the data (.dat) file.  Please check the data file for possible errors in the input file.

30ASSEMBLY_TOOL_FACE is a rigid surface, so it will be made the master surface in the contact pair with surface ASSEMBLY_CHIP_BOT. The WEIGHT value reported in the .dat file for this contact pair is not correct.

31.The elements in element set WarnElemFailElemInContact are part of a deformable surface that is referenced by a *CONTACT PAIR option in addition to having material properties that allow the element to fail. For elements that can fail, contact should be defined using the *CONTACT option.

32.Boundary conditions are defined at the nodes contained in node set WarnNodeBcIntersectKinCon. In addition the nodes are also part of a surface involved in kinematic contact. The kinematic contact constraint will be overridden by the boundary conditions in case of a conflict. Penalty contact may be used instead.

33.Thermal contact between surfaces ASSEMBLY_CHIP_BOT and ASSEMBLY_JOINT_TOP is causing a 99.610% reduction in the time increment.

发表于 2018-4-8 16:27:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自 吉林长春

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-9 09:10:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东广州
gxj14 发表于 2018-4-8 16:27
你可以检查这几方面,1.材料性能设置时,比热容等参数;2.设置接触对时,怎么定义切削层的;3.修改下步长试 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-5-11 16:51:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自 大连理工大学

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