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[情感交流区] simwe宣传动画

发表于 2005-9-2 15:54:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 湖北武汉


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-2 15:54:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北武汉




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 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-2 15:54:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北武汉




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 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-2 15:55:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北武汉




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发表于 2005-9-2 19:48:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山东威海


发表于 2005-9-2 21:14:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自 香港


well, i think this post should be put in the source CD section, not here6 [$ @" T( A( p5 }

/ V7 Q% K2 q/ LSorry for English, but there are some opinions.
9 Y" x" d4 r: N$ e( f7 ^- `3 f% t
1. thanks a lot to all the people working on CD V2.0.
- I0 ^) \  @- x$ g2. about CD flash design, i think it needs some 'ideas' inside, not just effects or drawings.
1 f5 p$ x6 v* e5 ^6 K- Z$ h* h& E! S5 t4 {0 ~. k
Living along with Simwe for more than two years, I always think "people with high technology" is a kind of COOL, which is exactly the style Simwe needs to follow. Therefore, i think the color should be some thing like "Cold" and "Mystery". About the design, in fact, i have thought of Simwe's CD 2.0. But, i am sorry i don't have time to work it out and have not used flash for two more years. The main idea is, we need to concentrate on "SOMETHING" for each version of CD. 1st version is the overall introduction CD, and indicates the key word "Tech's Union". How about the 2nd version? I suppose the idea is "developing, and stable developing". I have thought about the method to deliver this idea. It's as following:' H$ }1 ^5 V5 T5 d! G: w1 C
8 u1 D7 v6 W3 t) n7 h
High level technology is complex. Well, for Simwe CD flash design, can we use simple and basic graph to achieve its complex nature? Just some lines, some triangulars, some rectangulars, etc. Well, you may find this just follows an evolutionary routine, line->triangular->rectangular->polygon--->circle. This has exactly matched the idea "developing", and "stable". Circle also indicates the idea of "union".
5 n+ s! L4 u5 e& l) q
$ |0 ]0 b& ]8 e7 t- l2 jI understand this is just a concept. To put it vivid and practical, it needs time, energy and skill. So, just think about it and not necessarily follow this idea. Thanks a lot again to all people working on CD V2.0. You are the best whatever you produce.
1 A# [5 D. B% {( T+ K
- {$ I. Q9 Q/ LFinally, some comments on the graphs 1,2. I don't think the Cartoon is useful here, especially while adding some cartoon characters. To be honest, it makes me feel like 'kid', hehe. I'm sorry. Also, it is not necessary to fill all the layout with color. "Leave it as White" is also a good way to present "COOL". I'm sorry to give this comment. If you are working on the 1st CD, you can do it in this way. But as for CD 2, it will more or less be affected by CD 1. It's "The Style". I think most people have expected which style CD 2 is. It's only my own opinion, which is just good for Simwe and does not mean to offend.
发表于 2005-9-4 13:35:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海闸北区


! B, b: t& k6 |( u( s) Q. e# P1.i think it needs some 'ideas' inside, not just effects or drawings. 2 Z: m7 B' J* K& k
" @  X# t6 Y: Q- ~# S' I
2.High level technology is complex. Well, for Simwe CD flash design, can we use simple and basic graph to achieve its complex nature?
9 F! y+ k0 f: c4 r$ {5 {  b0 l6 ^: k" P8 ~. E
3.Finally, some comments on the graphs 1,2. I don't think the Cartoon is useful here, especially while adding some cartoon characters.: D& Q; i1 B0 P( t3 X

# P# _$ t6 S/ Q7 |  O; k当然xiang cswbww 一样这也是个人观点,并且我在专业上已经很久没有用了。
, R) R7 U$ l+ d# S4 T0 @  K
( V* J: I2 Y$ ?6 \8 D6 E2 S9 \8 {为了SIMWE能够稳步发展,还是要多多思考才是啊!
发表于 2005-9-4 20:46:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 浙江杭州


e o d是什么?
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-9 12:28:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北武汉


first to mebusw. e.o.d, every other day. You know, just game of words.! P1 [! i! h( c3 ]% ^, N0 Z
. f, i7 [9 z( N3 \+ \
to cswbww and xiongdi:
) L; P6 J7 @5 HI am just come back from Beijing. And we all know that what it comes out depend not on idea, or imagination, or something else, sometimes it is simply depend on time. Time is a rare resource to us, to me.
9 j$ Y. d, f- X3 t" j' V% B; s* e- J
7 q. P  Y6 ^) _8 y0 jGod knows that I agree with you, and I also think simple is beautiful, and meaningful is important to our people.% Z. T( Y' B1 r8 {! p
Talk about background, now I just like simple white paper and black words. So, my PPT is used just white and black and some pictures and movies.
/ R' X9 s9 n8 e# Z1 D' X3 B+ A
+ F! T8 Z) S' T5 X, B; sI do not satisfied with the movie myself and I think what I need most is more time to do this. And it is cleat that many professional people good at making flash, LGOO or something related to it. I am not best one for sure.
: h, [- X) r6 |" w- L
4 l3 `, O  L3 {/ g# S; q( t: sThank you for give all these words you people. And again, so agree with you. I need more hands and alse more mouth.1 y0 x0 }$ V! W! h  L, q' S+ H

: F+ i' f8 Q) ~  [& `& sIf it is possible, please give me your hand.9 F( N8 I5 a6 G% N& k: c- S
7 {/ n, o8 i4 h! s8 k
I will try, but I can not give my word. You know, thing goes its own way. Something just out of my control.
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