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[二次开发] UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

发表于 2005-10-16 15:07:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 吉林长春


Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

Table of Contents
Conventions Used in This Guide
About the Programmer's Guide Set
1 Using User Programmable Features (UPFs)
1.1 Introduction to UPFs
1.1.1 What Are UPFs?
1.1.2 What You Should Know Before Using UPFs
1.1.3 Planning Your UPFs
1.1.4 Studying the ANSYS User Routines
1.1.5 Programming in Languages Other than FORTRAN
1.1.6 Developing UPFs: a Suggested Strategy
1.1.7 Include Decks
1.1.8 Linking User Routines
1.1.9 Compiling and Linking UPFs on UNIX Systems
1.1.10 Compiling and Linking UPFs on Windows Systems
1.1.11 Activating UPFs
1.1.12 Running Your Custom Executable
1.1.13 Verifying Your Routines
1.1.14 Debugging Commands Tracking the Path of Program Logic Debugging Elements and Solutions
1.1.15 Other Useful Commands
1.1.16 Generating Output
1.2 Reading Large Data Files More Rapidly
1.2.1 EBLOCK Command Format
1.2.2 NBLOCK Command Format
1.3 Routines for Creating New Elements
1.3.1 Input and Output Abbreviations
1.3.2 User Routines
1.3.3 Subroutine uec100 (Defining Characteristics of the usr100
Routine) Subroutines uec101 through uec105
1.3.4 Subroutine uex100 (Overriding Element Characteristic
Defaults) Subroutines uex101 through uex105
1.3.5 Subroutine uel100 (Computing Element Matrices, Load Vectors, and Results)
1.3.6 Subroutines uel101 through uel105
1.3.7 Subroutine uep100 (Printing Output for User Elements)
1.3.8 Subroutines uep101 through uep105
1.3.9 Subroutine usertr (Adjusting the Nodal Orientation Matrix)
1.3.10 Subroutine userac (Accessing Element Information)
1.4 Supporting Subroutines for Element Creation
1.4.1 Subroutine nminfo (Returning Element Reference Names)
1.4.2 Subroutine svgidx (Fetching the Index for Saved Variables)
1.4.3 Subroutine svrget (Fetching Saved Variable Data for an
1.4.4 Subroutine svrput (Writing an Element's Saved Variable Set)
1.4.5 Subroutine svpidx (Writing the Saved Variable Element Index to a File)
1.4.6 Subroutine mreuse (Determining Which Element Matrices Can Be Reused)
1.4.7 Subroutine subrd (Reading Element Load Data for a Substructure Generation Run)
1.4.8 Subroutine subwrt (Writing an Element Load Vector to a File for a Substructure Generation Run)
1.4.9 Subroutine rvrget (Fetching Real Constants for an Element)
1.4.10 Subroutine propev (Evaluating a Group of Material
1.4.11 Subroutine prope1 (Evaluating One Material Property)
1.4.12 Subroutine pstevl (Evaluating EX, NUXY, GXY, ALPX, and
DENS at Element Temperature)
1.4.13 Function gtplop (Retrieving the Start Point for Plastic Data)
1.4.14 Function gtcrop (Retrieving the Start Position for Creep
1.4.15 Function gtswop (Retrieving the Start Position for Swelling
1.4.16 Subroutine tbuser (Retrieving User Table Data)
1.4.17 Subroutine plast1 (Updating an Element's Plastic History)
1.4.18 Subroutine creep1 (Updating an Element's Creep History)
1.4.19 Subroutine swell1 (Updating an Element's Swelling History)
1.4.20 function nlget (Retrieving Material Non-Linear Property Information)
1.4.21 Subroutine usereo (Storing Data in the nmisc Record)
1.4.22 Subroutine eldwrt (Writing Element Data to a File)
1.4.23 Subroutine eldwrn (Writing Element Nonsummable Miscellaneous Data to the Results File)
1.4.24 Subroutine trrot (Computing the Rotation Vector)
1.4.25 Subroutine rottr (Computing the Transformation Matrix)
1.4.26 Subroutine xyzup3 (Updating an Element's 3-D Nodal Coordinates)
1.4.27 Subroutine updrot (Updating the Rotation Pseudovector)
1.4.28 Subroutine tmpget (Defining Current Temperature Loads)
1.4.29 Subroutine prsget (Defining Current Pressure Loads)
1.4.30 Subroutine cnvget (Defining Current Convection Loads)
1.4.31 Subroutine hgnget (Defining Current Heat Generation
1.5 Routines for Modifying and Monitoring Existing Elements
1.5.1 Subroutine userfd (Computing the Complex Load Vector for Frequency Domain Logic)
1.5.2 Subroutine userou (Storing User-Supplied Element Output)
1.5.3 Subroutine useran (Modifying Orientation of Material
1.5.4 Subroutine usanly (Modifying Orientation of Material Properties and Stresses of Layers)
1.5.5 Subroutine userrc (Performing User Operations on COMBIN7 and COMBIN37 Parameters)
1.5.6 Function userpe (Calculating Rotation Caused by Internal Pressure)
1.5.7 Subroutine UElMatx (Accessing Element Matrices and Load Vectors)
1.5.8 Subroutine UTHICK (Getting User-defined Initial Thickness)
1.5.9 Subroutine USTRESS (Getting User-defined Initial Stress)
1.6 Routines for Customizing Material Behavior
1.6.1 Subroutine userpl (Writing Your Own Plasticity Laws)
1.6.2 Subroutine usercr (Writing Your Own Creep Laws)
1.6.3 Subroutine usersw (Writing Your Own Swelling Laws)
1.6.4 Subroutine uservp (Updating Nonlinear Strain History for
1.6.5 Subroutine userck (Checking User-Defined Material Data)
1.6.6 Subroutine usrhyp (Computing Derivatives of Strain Energy Density with Respect to Invariants)
1.6.7 Subroutine usrogp (Computing Derivatives of Strain Energy Density with Respect to Stretch Ratios)
1.6.8 Subroutine usrogd (Computing Derivatives of Strain Energy Density with Respect to Stretch Ratios)
1.6.9 Subroutine usermc (Controlling Hygrothermal Growth)
1.6.10 Subroutine usermu (Supplying a Friction Coefficient for CONTAC48 and CONTAC49)
1.6.11 Subroutine usrfc6 (Defining Custom Failure Criteria)
1.6.12 Subroutines usrfc1 through usrfc5
1.6.13 Subroutine UserVisLaw (Defining Viscosity Laws)
1.6.14 Supporting Function egen
1.7 Routines for Customizing Loads
1.7.1 Subroutine usrefl (Changing Scalar Fields to User-Defined
1.7.2 Subroutine userpr (Changing Element Pressure Information)
1.7.3 Subroutine usercv (Changing Element Face Convection Surface Information)
1.7.4 Subroutine userfx (Changing Element Face Heat Flux Surface Information)
1.7.5 Subroutine userch (Changing Element Face Charge Density Surface Information)
1.7.6 Subroutine useracel (Modifying an Element's Acceleration/Angular Velocity Information)
1.7.7 Examples of Using the Load Customization Routines Example of Using usercv Effect of useracel on Results
1.8 Running ANSYS as a Subroutine
1.9 Defining Your Own Commands
1.9.1 Function user01
1.9.2 Function user02 (Demonstrates Offsetting Selected Nodes)
1.9.3 Function user03 (Demonstrates Using Heap Memory)
1.9.4 Functions user04 through user10
1.10 Supporting Subroutines
1.10.1 Function GetRForce (Getting Nodal Reaction Force values)
1.10.2 Function GetStackDisp (Getting Current Displacement
1.10.3 Subroutine ElResultStrt (Getting Load Data from Analysis
1.10.4 Subroutine ElResultGet (Getting Results Values at Selected
1.10.5 Subroutine ElInterp (Finding Element Coordinates)
1.11 Access at the Beginning and End of Various Operations
1.12 Creating Your Own Optimization Routine
1.12.1 Linking a Custom Optimization Program to ANSYS
1.12.2 Subroutine userop (Defining a Custom Optimization
1.12.3 Structuring Your Input Example of User Input for Optimization
1.12.4 Using a Stand-Alone Optimization Program
1.12.5 What Does Jobname.OPT Contain?
1.13 Data Handling Routines
1.13.1 Using the Memory Management Routines
1.13.2 Function HeapAllocPtr (Allocating Heap Space and Returning a Pointer)
1.13.3 Subroutine HeapDealloc (Deallocating Heap Space)
1.13.4 Function HeapGetPtr (Returns a Pointer for a Handle)
1.14 Parameter Processing Routines
1.14.1 Subroutine pardim (Creating a Dimensioned Parameter)
1.14.2 Function parevl (Finding and Evaluating a Parameter)
1.14.3 Subroutine pardef (Adding a Parameter)
1.15 Miscellaneous Useful Functions
1.15.1 Using Function runcmd
1.15.2 Using the /UNDO Command
1.15.3 Using the /HOLD command
2 Accessing the ANSYS Database
2.1 What This Chapter Covers
2.2 Inputs and Outputs for Database Access Routines
2.3 Types of Database Access Routines
2.4 Routines for Selecting and Retrieving Nodes and Elements
2.4.1 ndnext Function (Getting the Next Node Number)
2.4.2 ndprev Function (Getting the Number of the Previous Selected Node)
2.4.3 ndnxdf Function (Getting the Number of the Next Defined
2.4.4 ndsel Function (Selecting, Unselecting, Deleting, or Inverting a Node)
2.4.5 elnext Function (Getting the Number of the Next Element)
2.4.6 elprev Function (Getting the Number of the Previous Selected Element)
2.4.7 elnxdf Function (Getting the Number of the Next Defined
2.4.8 elsel Subroutine (Selecting, Unselecting, Deleting, or Inverting an Element)
2.5 Node Information Routines
2.5.1 ndinqr Function (Getting Information About a Node)
2.5.2 getnod Function (Getting a Nodal Point)
2.5.3 putnod Function (Storing a Node)
2.5.4 ndgall Function (Getting the XYZ/Rotation Coordinates Vector for a Node)
2.5.5 ndspgt Subroutine (Getting the Nodal Solution for a Node of an Element)
2.6 Element Attribute Routines
2.6.1 elmiqr Function (Getting Information About an Element)
2.6.2 elmget Function (Getting an Element's Attributes and
2.6.3 elmput Subroutine (Storing an Element)
2.6.4 etyiqr Function (Getting a Data Item About an
Element Type)
2.6.5 etyget Function (Getting Information About an
Element Type)
2.6.6 etyput Subroutine (Storing Element Type Data)
2.6.7 echrtr Subroutine (Getting Information About Element Characteristics)
2.6.8 etysel Subroutine (Selecting, Unselecting, Deleting, or Inverting an Element Type)
2.6.9 mpinqr Function (Getting Information About a
Material Property)
2.6.10 mpget Function (Getting a Material Property Table)
2.6.11 mpput Subroutine (Storing a Material Property Table)
2.6.12 mpdel Subroutine (Deleting a Material Property Table)
2.6.13 rlinqr Function (Getting Information About a Real
Constant Set)
2.6.14 rlget Function (Getting Real Constant Data)
2.6.15 rlsel Subroutine (Selecting or Deleting a Real Constant Set)
2.6.16 csyiqr Function (Getting Information About a
Coordinate System)
2.6.17 csyget Function (Getting a Coordinate System)
2.6.18 csyput Subroutine (Storing a Coordinate System)
2.6.19 csydel Subroutine (Deleting a Coordinate System)
2.6.20 userac Subroutine (Demonstrates Use of Element Attribute Routines)
2.7 Coupling and Constraint Routines
2.7.1 cpinqr Function (Getting Information About a Coupled Set)
2.7.2 cpget Function (Getting a Coupled Set)
2.7.3 cpput Subroutine (Storing a Coupled Set)
2.7.4 cpsel Subroutine (Selecting or Deleting a Coupled Set)
2.7.5 ceinqr Function (Getting Information About a Constraint Equation Set)
2.7.6 ceget Function (Getting an Constraint Equation)
2.7.7 ceput Subroutine (Storing a Constraint Equation)
2.7.8 cesel Subroutine (Deleting or Selecting a
Constraint Equation)
2.8 Nodal Loading Routines
2.8.1 disiqr Function (Getting a Information About Constraints)
2.8.2 disget Function (Getting a Constraint from the Database)
2.8.3 disput Subroutine (Storing a Constraint at a Node)
2.8.4 disdel Subroutine (Deleting a Constraint at a Node)
2.8.5 foriqr Function (Getting Information About Nodal Loads)
2.8.6 forget Function (Getting a Constraint from the Database)
2.8.7 forput Subroutine (Storing a Nodal Load at a Node)
2.8.8 fordel Subroutine (Deleting a Nodal Load at a Node)
2.8.9 ntpiqr Function (Getting Information About a
Nodal Temperature)
2.8.10 ntpget Function (Getting a Specified Nodal Temperature)
2.8.11 ntpput Subroutine (Storing a Nodal Temperature)
2.8.12 ntpdel Subroutine (Deleting a Nodal Temperature)
2.8.13 nhgiqr Function (Getting Information About Nodal Heat Generations)
2.8.14 nhgget Function (Getting a Nodal Heat Generation)
2.8.15 nhgput Subroutine (Storing Nodal Heat Generation)
2.8.16 nhgdel Subroutine (Deleting a Nodal Heat Generation)
2.8.17 nfuiqr Function (Getting Information About Nodal Fluences)
2.8.18 nfuget Function (Getting a Nodal Fluence)
2.8.19 nfuput Subroutine (Storing a Nodal Fluence)
2.8.20 nfudel Subroutine (Deleting a Nodal Fluence)
2.8.21 ndciqr Function (Getting Information About Nodal Current Densities)
2.8.22 ndcget Function (Getting a Nodal Current Density)
2.8.23 ndcput Subroutine (Storing a Nodal Current Density)
2.8.24 ndcdel Subroutine (Deleting a Nodal Current Density)
2.8.25 nvdiqr Function (Getting Information About Nodal
Magnetic Virtual Displacements)
2.8.26 nvdget Function (Getting a Nodal Magnetic
Virtual Displacement)
2.8.27 nvdput Subroutine (Storing a Nodal Virtual Displacement)
2.8.28 nvddel Subroutine (Deleting a Nodal Virtual Displacement)
2.9 Element Loading Routines
2.9.1 epriqr Function (Getting Information About Element Pressure/Convection)
2.9.2 eprget Function (Getting an Element Face Pressure)
2.9.3 eprput Subroutine (Storing an Element Face Pressure)
2.9.4 eprdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element
2.9.5 ecviqr Function (Getting Information About
Element Convections)
2.9.6 ecvget Function (Getting an Element Face Convection)
2.9.7 ecvput Subroutine (Storing an Element Face Convection)
2.9.8 ecvdel Subroutine (Deleting a Convection on an Element)
2.9.9 etpiqr Function (Getting Information About Element
2.9.10 etpget Function (Getting an Element Temperature)
2.9.11 etpput Subroutine (Storing an Element Temperature)
2.9.12 etpdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element Temperature)
2.9.13 ehgiqr Function (Getting Information About Element Heat Generation)
2.9.14 ehgget Function (Getting an Element Heat Generation)
2.9.15 ehgput Subroutine (Storing an Element Heat Generation)
2.9.16 ehgdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element Heat Generation)
2.9.17 efuiqr Function (Getting Information About Element
2.9.18 efuget Function (Getting an Element Fluence)
2.9.19 efuput Subroutine (Storing an Element Fluence)
2.9.20 efudel Subroutine (Deleting an Element Fluence)
2.9.21 edciqr Function (Getting Information About Element Current Densities)
2.9.22 edcget Function (Getting Element Current Densities)
2.9.23 edcput Subroutine (Storing an Element Current Density)
2.9.24 edcdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element Current Density)
2.9.25 evdiqr Function (Getting Information About Element Virtual Displacements)
2.9.26 evdget Function (Getting an Element Virtual Displacement)
2.9.27 evdput Subroutine (Storing an Element Virtual
2.9.28 eimiqr Function (Getting Information About Element
2.9.29 eimget Function (Getting an Element Face Impedance)
2.9.30 eimput Subroutine (Storing an Element Impedance)
2.9.31 eimdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element Impedance)
2.9.32 esfiqr Function (Getting Information About Element Surface Stress Data)
2.9.33 esfget Function (Getting Element Surface Stress Data)
2.9.34 esfput Subroutine (Storing Element Surface Stress Data)
2.9.35 esfdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Surface
Stress Data)
2.9.36 efsdel Subroutine (Deleting a Flagged Surface on an
2.9.37 efsget function (Getting Element Face Flagged Surfaces)
2.9.38 efsiqr function (Getting Information About Flagged Surfaces)
2.9.39 efsput Subroutine (Storing an Element Face Flagged
2.10 Results Information Routines
2.10.1 dspiqr Function (Getting Information About Nodal Results)
2.10.2 dspget Function (Getting a Nodal Result from the Database)
2.10.3 dspput Subroutine (Storing a Constraint at a Node)
2.10.4 dspdel Subroutine (Deleting a Result at a Node)
2.10.5 emsiqr Function (Getting Information About an Element's Miscellaneous Summable Data)
2.10.6 emsget Function (Getting an Element's Miscellaneous Summable Data)
2.10.7 emsput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Miscellaneous Summable Data)
2.10.8 emsdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Miscellaneous Summable Data)
2.10.9 enfiqr Function (Getting Information About Element Nodal
2.10.10 enfget Function (Getting an Element's Nodal Forces)
2.10.11 enfput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Nodal Forces)
2.10.12 enfdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Nodal Forces)
2.10.13 ensiqr Function (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Stresses)
2.10.14 ensget Function (Getting an Element's Nodal Stresses)
2.10.15 ensput Subroutine (Storing Nodal Stresses at an Element)
2.10.16 ensdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Nodal Stresses)
2.10.17 engiqr Function (Getting Information About an Element's
2.10.18 engget Function (Getting an Element's Energies)
2.10.19 engput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Energies and
2.10.20 engdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Energies)
2.10.21 egriqr Function (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Gradients)
2.10.22 egrget Function (Getting an Element's Nodal Gradients)
2.10.23 egrput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Nodal Gradients)
2.10.24 egrdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Nodal Gradients)
2.10.25 eeliqr Function (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Elastic Strains)
2.10.26 eelget Function (Getting an Element's Nodal Elastic Strains)
2.10.27 eelput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Nodal Elastic
2.10.28 eeldel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Nodal Elastic
2.10.29 epliqr Function (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Plastic Strains)
2.10.30 eplget Function (Getting an Element's Nodal Plastic Strains)
2.10.31 eplput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Nodal Plastic
2.10.32 epldel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Nodal Plastic
2.10.33 ecriqr Function (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Creep Strains)
2.10.34 ecrget Function (Getting an Element's Nodal Creep Strains)
2.10.35 ecrput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Nodal
Creep Strains)
2.10.36 ecrdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Nodal
Creep Strains)
2.10.37 ethiqr Function (Getting Information About an Element's Nodal Thermal Strains)
2.10.38 ethget Function (Getting an Element's Nodal Thermal
2.10.39 ethput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Nodal Thermal
2.10.40 ethdel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Thermal, Initial, and Swelling Strains)
2.10.41 euliqr Function (Getting Information About an Element's Euler Angles)
2.10.42 eulget Function (Getting an Element's Nodal Euler Angles)
2.10.43 eulput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Euler Angles)
2.10.44 euldel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Euler Angles)
2.10.45 efxiqr Function (Getting Information About Element Fluxes)
2.10.46 efxget Function (Getting an Element Flux)
2.10.47 efxput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Fluxes)
2.10.48 efxdel Subroutine (Deleting Element Fluxes)
2.10.49 elfiqr Function (Getting Information About Element Local
2.10.50 elfget Function (Getting an Element Local Force)
2.10.51 elfput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Local Forces)
2.10.52 elfdel Subroutine (Deleting Element Local Forces)
2.10.53 emniqr Function (Getting Information About Element Miscellaneous Non-summable Data)
2.10.54 emnget Function (Getting an Element's Miscellaneous Non-summable Data)
2.10.55 emnput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Miscellaneous Non-summable Data)
2.10.56 emndel Subroutine (Deleting an Element's Miscellaneous Non-summable Data)
2.10.57 ecdiqr Function (Getting Information About Element Current Densities)
2.10.58 ecdget Function (Getting an Element Current Density)
2.10.59 ecdput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Current Densities)
2.10.60 ecddel Subroutine (Deleting Element Current Densities)
2.10.61 enliqr Function (Getting Information About Element Nonlinear Tables)
2.10.62 enlget Function (Getting Element Nonlinear Tables)
2.10.63 enlput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Nonlinear Tables)
2.10.64 enldel Subroutine (Deleting Element Nonlinear Tables)
2.10.65 ehciqr Function (Getting Information About Calculated Element Heat Generations)
2.10.66 ehcget Function (Getting a Calculated Element Heat
2.10.67 ehcput Subroutine (Storing an Element's Calculated Heat Generations)
2.10.68 ehcdel Subroutine (Deleting Element Calculated Heat
3 Subroutines for Users' Convenience
3.1 What Subroutines Does This Chapter Describe?
3.1.1 Input and Output Abbreviations
3.2 General Subroutines
3.2.1 dptoch Subroutine (Retrieve Eight Characters From a Double Precision Variable)
3.2.2 wrinqr Function (Obtain Information About Output)
3.2.3 erinqr Subroutine (Obtaining Information from the Errors
3.2.4 TrackBegin Subroutine (Beginning Tracking for a
Subroutine Call)
3.2.5 TrackEnd Subroutine (Ending Tracking for a Subroutine
3.2.6 erhandler Subroutine (Displaying ANSYS Errors)
3.2.7 intrp Subroutine (Doing Single Interpolation)
3.2.8 tranx3 Subroutine (Processing Geometry for 3-D Line
3.2.9 systop Subroutine (Stopping an ANSYS Program Run)
3.3 Vector Functions
3.3.1 vdot Function (Computing the Dot Product of Two Vectors)
3.3.2 vsum Function (Summing Vector Components)
3.3.3 vmax Function (Retrieving the Maximum Vector Value at a Given Location)
3.3.4 lastv Function (Retrieving the Position of the Last Non-zero Term in a Double Precision Vector)
3.3.5 izero Function (Setting an Integer Vector to Zero)
3.3.6 imove Function (Assigning Equal Values to Two Integer
3.3.7 vzero Subroutine (Initializing a Vector to Zero)
3.3.8 vmove Subroutine (Moving One Vector into Another)
3.3.9 vimove Subroutine (Moving One Vector into Another
3.3.10 vinit Subroutine (Assigning a Scalar Constant to a Vector)
3.3.11 viinit Subroutine (Assigning a Scalar Constant to a Vector Incrementally)
3.3.12 vapb Subroutine (Setting a Vector to Sum of Two Vectors)
3.3.13 vapb1 Subroutine (Combining Two Vectors in One)
3.3.14 vapcb1 Subroutine (Multiplying a Vector to a Constant)
3.3.15 vamb Subroutine (Gets a Third Vector by Subtracting One Vector from Another)
3.3.16 vamb1 Subroutine (Subtracting One Vector from Another)
3.3.17 vmult Subroutine (Multiplying a Vector by a Constant)
3.3.18 vmult1 Subroutine (Multiplying a Vector by a Constant)
3.3.19 vcross Subroutine (Defining a Vector via a Cross Product)
3.3.20 vnorme Subroutine (Normalizing a Three-Component
3.3.21 vnorm Subroutine (Normalizing a Vector to Unit Length)
3.3.22 ndgxyz Function (Getting the X,Y,Z Vector for a Node)
3.3.23 ndpxyz Subroutine (Storing X,Y,Z for a Node)
3.4 Matrix Subroutines
3.4.1 maxv Subroutine (Multiplying a Vector by a Matrix)
3.4.2 maxv1 Subroutine (Multiplying a Vector by a Matrix)
3.4.3 matxv Subroutine (Multiplying a Vector by a Full Transposed Matrix)
3.4.4 matxv1 Subroutine (Multiplying a Vector by a Full Transposed Matrix)
3.4.5 matxb Subroutine (Transposing a matrix)
3.4.6 maat Subroutine (Changing a Matrix Value via Addition, Multiplication, and Transposition)
3.4.7 matsym Subroutine (Filling the Lower Triangle from the Upper Triangle)
3.4.8 mctac Subroutine (Transposing a symmetric matrix)
3.4.9 tran Subroutine (Transposing a matrix)
3.4.10 symeqn Subroutine (Solving Simultaneous Linear
3.5 Message Processing Routines
3.5.1 msgdi Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages, Scalars, Vectors, or Matrices)
3.5.2 msgdic Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages and an Integer Vector)
3.5.3 msgdim Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages and
3.5.4 msgdir Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages, Integers, and Reals)
3.5.5 msgdit Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages and a Transposed Integer Matrix)
3.5.6 msgdiv Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages and an Integer Vector)
3.5.7 msgdr Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages and
3.5.8 msgdrc Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages and Real Vectors)
3.5.9 msgdrm Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages and Real Matrices)
3.5.10 msgdrt Subroutine (Conditionally Printing Messages and Real Transposed Matrices)
3.5.11 msgdrv Subroutine (Conditionally Prints Messages and Real Vectors)
3.5.12 msgdt Subroutine (Conditionally Prints Message Text)
Appendix A External Commands
A.1 Introduction to External Commands
A.2 Tasks in Creating an External Command
A.2.1 Creating Compatible Code
A.2.2 Creating a Shared Library
A.2.3 Creating an External Table File
A.2.4 Setting the ANSYS_EXTERNAL_TABLE Environment
A.2.5 Using External Commands
A.2.6 Checking External Command Status
A.2.7 Resetting External Commands
A.2.8 Example External Command


[ 本帖最后由 kadeli 于 2007-7-1 10:05 编辑 ]


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Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

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Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

我需要一本 谢谢

我的email   biejun_9704@126.com
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-17 10:22:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自 吉林长春

some introduction for UPF

UPF即User Programmable Features,它实际上是用Fortran77编写的子程序(Subroutine/function),ANSYS提供了这些子程序的接口参数。UPF能提供以下功能:


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发表于 2005-10-18 09:40:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京交通大学

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

发表于 2005-10-18 10:09:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海闸北区

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

发表于 2005-10-18 10:24:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

发表于 2005-10-18 10:56:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西西安

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-18 15:23:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自 吉林长春

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features


学好了这个,基本上就可以对ANSYS 为所欲为 了,


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-18 15:24:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自 吉林长春

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features



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发表于 2005-10-18 15:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海交通大学

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

发表于 2005-10-19 09:45:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自 武汉大学

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

这么好的资料,当然抢着要了  :)

jirmy 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-10-20 15:23:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖南长沙
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发表于 2005-10-21 15:55:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖南长沙

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

wxh_lcx 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-10-26 11:21:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自 黑龙江哈尔滨
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发表于 2005-11-4 15:53:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广西桂林

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

发表于 2005-11-4 23:58:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自 辽宁沈阳

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

发表于 2005-11-19 19:19:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自 黑龙江大庆

Re:UPF 关于ansys二次开发的资料 Guide to ANSYS User Programmable Features

jack1982 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-11-23 22:31:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自 天津
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nimou2003 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-11-24 10:01:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北武汉
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