yjw_413 发表于 2012-6-8 16:21:53


本人最近遇到接触面的建模和计算问题,参照陈育民的《FLAC/FLAC3D基础与工程实例》一书P141,例9-4料仓下料的例子,命令流完全参照教材,建好模型后,计算,但是使用pl con zdisp ou on magf 100,却不能显示书上的接触面滑移的效果,问什么呢?还有请问接触面模拟的分离是指什么样的情况呢?以下是我计算显示的结果,另一幅是书上的!

;Creat Material Zones
gen zone brick size 5 5 5 &
p0 0,0,0 p1 3 0 0 p2 0 3 0 p3 0 0 5 &
p4 3 3 0 p5 0 5 5 p6 5 0 5 p7 5 5 5
gen zone brick size 5 5 5 p0 0 0 5 edge 5.0
group Material
;Create Bin Zones
gen zone brick size 1 5 5 &
p0 3 0 0 p1 add 3 0 0 p2 add 0 3 0 & ;add means the relative cooridinates
p3 add 2 0 5 p4 add 3 6 0 p5 add 2 5 5 &
p6 add 3 0 5 p7 add 3 6 5
gen zone brick size 1 5 5 &
p0 5 0 5 p1 add 1 0 0 p2 add 0 5 0 &
p3 add 0 0 5 p4 add 1 6 0 p5 add 0 5 5 &
p6 add 1 0 5 p7 add 1 6 5
gen zone brick size 5 1 5 &
p0 0 3 0 p1 add 3 0 0 p2 add 0 3 0 &
p3 add 0 2 5 p4 add 6 3 0 p5 add 0 3 5 &
p6 add 5 2 5 p7 add 6 3 5
gen zone brick size 5 1 5 &
p0 0 5 5 p1 add 5 0 0 p2 add 0 1 0 &
p3 add 0 0 5 p4 add 6 1 0 p5 add 0 1 5 &
p6 add 5 0 5 p7 add 6 1 5
group Bin range group Material not
;Create named range synonyms
range name Bin group Bin
range name Material group Material
;Assign models to groups
model mohr range Material
model elas range Bin
gen separateMaterial
interface 1 wrap Material Bin range plane ori 0 0 0 normal 1 -1 0 above
interface 2 wrap Material Bin range plane ori 0 0 0 normal 1 -1 0 below
int 1 maxedge 0.55
int 2 maxedge 0.55
;Assign properties
prop shear 1e8 bulk 2e8 fric 30 range Material
prop shear 1e8 bulk 2e8 range Bin
ini den 2000
int 1 prop ks 2e9 kn 2e9 fric 15
int 2 prop ks 2e9 kn 2e9 fric 15
;Assign Boundary Conditions
fix x range x -0.1 0.1 any x 5.9 6.1 any
fix y range y -0.1 0.1 any y 5.9 6.1 any
fix z range z -0.1 0.1
;Monitor histories
hist unbal
hist gp zdisp 6 6 10
hist gp zdisp 0 0 10
hist gp zdisp 0 0 0
set large
set grav 0 0 -10
step 4000
save bin.sav
pl con zdisp ou on magf 100
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 接触面计算结果显示的问题