水胖娃儿 发表于 2012-6-12 18:59:57



tonnyw 发表于 2012-6-19 04:23:18

本帖最后由 tonnyw 于 2012-6-19 04:23 编辑

My understanding is the following way.

You have the mathematical model which can be expressed as equations and corresponding boundary conditions. In most cases, we don't have the analytical solution and thus we seek numerical one. In this case, we are using finite element solution to approximate the unknown exact solution. It is important to know that what kind of mathematical model you are trying to solve.

For instance, for a cantilever beam subject to uniform load f on its transverse surface, if you are using beam element, you are solving the following mathematical model
E*I*d^4y/d x^4 = f0<x<L
Boundary conditions: x(0) = X'(0) = 0, E*I*d^2 y(L)/dx^2 = E*I*d^3 y(L)/dx^3 = 0
Therefore you should compare your finite element solution with the exact solution from this model.

However, if you are using brick element, you are solving the following mathematical model:
div(sigma) = f
sigma is the stress tensor.
Then you should compare your finite element solution with the exact solution from this model. This is an apple-to-apple comparison.

水胖娃儿 发表于 2012-6-21 13:40:19


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