zhulibin2009 发表于 2012-7-17 10:17:50

提示:Fluid-structure interfaces in fluid and solid models are not coincident

Fluid node (label) 1038 is not attached to solid fluid-structure
    interface 1. The relative distance to solid boundary element
    579 is 3.51E+00.
    The fluid nodal coordinates are (-3.3E-02, 0.00E+00, -1.7E-02).
    The points and their coordinates of the solid boundary element are:
      point       1 = ( -3.35E-02, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00)
      point       7 = ( -3.31E-02, 4.992E-03, 0.000E+00)
      point   295 = ( -3.31E-02, 4.992E-03, 5.000E-03)

    Possible causes are:

      * Fluid-structure interfaces in fluid and solid models are not
      * Solid boundary elements are too coarse compared with fluid boundary
      elements on the same fluid-structure interface.

                                 2、在MESHING-CREATEPOINT那里输入流固接触点的点号,在MESHING-ALE MESH CONSTRAINTS-FIX MESH 看你所选中的点是否被固定 这样 在重新画网格就可以了!(没找到MESHING-CREATEPOINT选项)
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查看完整版本: 提示:Fluid-structure interfaces in fluid and solid models are not coincident