cdey 发表于 2012-9-11 21:11:53

模式识别与机器智能实验室2012年招聘计划 (第3批)


电子科技大学模式识别与机器智能实验室2012年招聘计划(第3批) 实验室介绍电子科技大学自动化学院模式识别与机器智能实验室成立于2010年初,隶属于控制科学与工程一级学科以及模式识别与智能系统二级学科,现有科研、教学和辅助人员8人,以及30余名包括国际留学生在内的在读博士和硕士研究生。实验室主要研究方向是机器学习与模式识别、计算机视觉、机器人等。本实验室的宗旨是在相关研究领域汇聚一支高水平的创新团队,建设具有国际先进水平的创新研究基地,并在智能自主系统研究领域赶超国际先进水平。 2012年度下半年度,拟招聘5名博士后人员,具体需求如下。招聘条件符合国家和电子科技大学关于博士后申请的基本条件,拟招收机器学习与模式识别、计算机视觉、机器人理论及应用等方向博士后,同时具备:1、自动化、电子工程、计算机、应用数学、生物医学工程等研究相关领域有研发工作基础的博士学位获得者。2、有献身科学、追求卓越的理想,对科研工作认真、负责;
6、在攻读博士期间在模式识别、计算机视觉以及机器人领域的重要国际会议或杂志发表学术论文。 依托项目1、人机协作的仿生机器人关键技术研究(国家教育部新世纪优秀人才项目);2、4D人体活动理解中的稀疏表达、建模与学习(国家自然科学基金面上项目);3、4D人机交互中的计算机视觉技术(重要企业横向项目);4、人体运动/活动建模与分析(重要企业横向项目);岗位职责: 拟招收的博士后将在程洪教授的带领下,在团队中从事科学研究、科研项目开发等工作。 基本待遇根据申请人的资历和绩效,包括电子科技大学博士后的标准待遇在内,实验室提供不低于10万每年的科研津贴;提供国际合作机会,鼓励并支持国际合作。如果符合学校教师标准,博士后研究完成可转为教师。 申请材料及方式The job ref is: PRMI2012PostDoc02, please quote it inall correspondence. Only submit onepdf document containing all your application material. Please use the filename: ‘PRMI2012PostDoc02_name_initial’.The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on 30-Dec-2012. Applicationsmust include:1) A full CV including University degree& dates, past & present posts & list of publications;2) A cover letter to state clearly why yourbackground can support your application;3) A research statement no more than 1000words indicates what you see as interesting research issues relating to thispost, why your expertise is relevant and what your future research plans are;4) Three of your best published papers;5) Other support files, which may includesdetailed project experience, personal statement, et al. Queries about the post that are not answeredin the further particulars should be addressed to Professor Hong Cheng, at Applications are particularly welcome fromwomen, minority ethnic and international candidates. The university is an equalopportunities employer.

cdey 发表于 2012-9-17 20:40:08

模式识别与机器智能实验室2012年招聘计划 (结构设计)

本帖最后由 cdey 于 2012-9-17 12:41 编辑


电子科技大学模式识别与机器智能实验室2012年招聘计划(结构设计) 实验室介绍电子科技大学自动化学院模式识别与机器智能实验室成立于2010年初,隶属于控制科学与工程一级学科以及模式识别与智能系统二级学科,现有科研、教学和辅助人员8人,以及30余名包括国际留学生在内的在读博士和硕士研究生。实验室主要研究方向是机器学习与模式识别、计算机视觉、机器人等。本实验室的宗旨是在相关研究领域汇聚一支高水平的创新团队,建设具有国际先进水平的创新研究基地,并在智能自主系统研究领域赶超国际先进水平。 2012年度下半年度,拟招聘2名博士后人员,具体需求如下。招聘条件符合国家和电子科技大学关于博士后申请的基本条件,拟招收机器人结构设计*、工业设计及创新设计、动力学与控制等方向博士后,同时具备:1、机械工程、工业工程等研究相关领域有研发工作基础的博士学位获得者,具有3年以上CAD/CAE/CAM/虚拟样机技术研发及工程经验者优先。2、有献身科学、追求卓越的理想,对科研工作认真、负责;

依托项目1、人机协作的仿生机器人关键技术研究(国家教育部新世纪优秀人才项目);2、4D人体活动理解中的稀疏表达、建模与学习(国家自然科学基金面上项目);3、4D人机交互中的计算机视觉技术(重要企业横向项目);4、人体运动/活动建模与分析(重要企业横向项目);岗位职责: 拟招收的博士后将在程洪教授的带领下,在团队中从事科学研究、科研项目开发等工作。

How to ApplyThe job ref is: PRMI2012PostDoc03, please quote it inall correspondence. Only submit onepdf document containing all your application material.
Please use the filename: ‘PRMI2012PostDoc03_name_initial’.The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on 30-Dec-2012.
Applicationsmust include:1) A full CV including University degree& dates, past & present posts & list of publications;2) A cover letter to state clearly why yourbackground can support your application;3) A research statement no more than 1000words indicates what you see as interesting research issues relating to thispost, why your expertise is relevant and what your future research plans are;4) Three of your best published papers;5) Other support files, which may includesdetailed project experience, personal statement, et al.
Queries about the post that are not answeredin the further particulars should be addressed to Professor Hong Cheng, via
Applications are particularly welcome fromwomen, minority ethnic and international candidates. The university is an equalopportunities employer.
As a member of a cross-functional design team atPRMI, you will help to create the next generation of the China’s finest Exoskeletonsystems. You will conceive, design, and bring into production products thatwill re-define the human-robot interaction experience. You will work closelywith several different cross-functional teams including control algorithm and hardware,embed system and integration, etc.

* 3+ years experience working with CAD/CAE/CAM. SOLIDWORKS/ABAQUS/ANSYS/MSC.ADAMSfluency desirable.
* Experience in Design for Manufacturability,and Design for Assembly, statistical tolerance analysis techniques, functionaldimensioning, and geometric tolerancing.
* Strong understanding with manufacturingprocesses such as plastic injection molding, stamping, casting, and machining.
* Requires demonstrated ability in plastic andmetal part design.
* Ability to work in team-based environment.
* Self-motivating.
* Strong analytical/problem solving skills.
* Flexibility and comfort working in a quicklychanging environment.

* Prior experience in product design (preferablyrobotic systems).
* Integration of control algorithms intomechanical enclosures a plus
* Strong understanding with manufacturingprocesses such as plastic injection molding, stamping, casting, and machining.
* Experience with component modules (robotic arm,upper or lower skeleton system, etc.) and their interconnection.
* Experience working with industrialmanufacturers.
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