ggbbggb 发表于 2013-3-26 10:36:45


本帖最后由 ggbbggb 于 2013-3-26 11:01 编辑

英国Surrey大学是英国前15的著名大学,发展非常迅速。所招收人员的薪水非常高,并且研究前景很好。申请人员不受国籍限制,有兴趣的可以从网上申请和同 Prof Wu联系,他的email是

15 Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR/PhD) & Experienced Researcher(ER/Postdoc) positions for the EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) - IPROCOM

We are recruiting 12 ESRs/PhDs & 3 ERs/Postdocs for the Marie Curie ITN consortium IPROCOM “The Development of in silico process models for roll compaction” funded by European Commission under the FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN Programme. ESRs/ERs will be appointed at one of the 10 IPROCOM consortium full partners across Europe to work on one of the following projects (click to find more details on each project).

1.ESR1: Multi-scale materials characterization of particles and powders.
2.ESR2: Impact of powder properties & system design on roll compaction.
3.ESR3: Roll compaction scale-up.
4.ESR4: Milling of roll compacted ribbons & die compaction
5.ESR5: DEM modelling of powder feeding.
6.ESR6: FEM modelling of roll compaction.
7.ESR7: DEM modelling of ribbon milling.
8.ESR8: DEM and FEM modelling of die filling and compaction of powders and granules.
9.ESR9: Computational Intelligence (CI) modelling of powder mixing.
10.ESR10: CI modelling of roll compaction;
11.ESR11: CI modelling of milling of ribbons;
12.ESR12: CI modelling of die compaction.
13.ER1: Determining powder properties using DEM.
14.ER2: DEM modelling of powder mixing.
15.ER3: Population balance modeling of ribbon milling.
All ESR projects are for 36 months; while ER1 and ER3 are for 24 months and ER2 for 18 month.

?ESR1 and ESR7 will be based at the University of Surrey, UK;
?ESR2 and ESR3 at Heinrich-Heine-University, Germany;
?ESR4 and ESR6 at Ecole des Mines d'Albi, France;
?ESR5 and ER2 at Research Centre Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH, Graz, Austria;
?ESR8 at Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, Germany;
?ESR9 at Vysoka Skola Banska - Technicka Univerzita Ostrava, Czech Republic;
?ESR10 at Babes-Bolyai University, Romania;
?ESR11 and ESR12 at Jagiellonian University, Poland;
?ER1 at Johnson Matthey plc., UK and
?ER3 at AstraZeneca plc., M?lndal, Sweden.
We are looking for energetic candidates with research interests in either particle technology, pharmaceutical technology, computer modeling, DEM, FEM, artificial neural networks, evolutionary computation or computational intelligence to join this exciting research training network to work on one of the above projects. In addition to close project supervision at the host institution, you will also benefit from a wide range of networking activities including inter-sectoral secondments, IPROCOM training schools, workshops, short courses, international meetings and network conference.
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