hylovegj 发表于 2013-4-7 18:56:48


给板单元赋属性时,Input Properties面板中的、和各代表什么意思?我看到一个讲稿中说和都填0时,后处理中Position选At Z1时输出的von Mises应力就是板单元的中面应力,是这么回事吗?

supermenxp 发表于 2013-4-9 00:16:15

Plate Offset就是节点所在的面距离实体中面的距离;
Fiber Dist.1:Fiber distances for stress calculations. The positive direction is determined by the
right-hand rule, and the order in which the grid points are listed on the connection
entry.The default for Z1 is -T/2, and for Z2 is +T/2. T is the local plate thickness defined either by T on this entry or by membrane thicknesses at connected grid points, if they are input on connection

hylovegj 发表于 2013-4-9 17:58:09

supermenxp 发表于 2013-4-9 00:16 static/image/common/back.gif
Plate Offset就是节点所在的面距离实体中面的距离;
Fiber Dist.1:Fiber distances for stress calculatio ...


koyosai 发表于 2014-5-29 23:12:05

我这边是DIST 1填0,最终结果,就代表Z1是中面应力,,提取中面应力选择“At Z1"。。
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