zhuxuekaihao 发表于 2014-1-15 09:30:30


如题,在做应力场分析时,我想获得某一点的应力大小,感觉应该和获得它的位移大小差不多,位移可以用hist id=1 gp zdis 2 40 18来获得,那么应力大小应给用什么呢?我尝试了hist id=1 gp pp 2 46 18,可是为什么没有显示呢?谢谢大神的帮助!

trackbed 发表于 2014-1-17 04:25:15

You need to understand the basic definition of stress. Stress is defined as a force over an area therefore you cannot monitor stress for a point. Instead, it can only be monitored in "an finite area" such as an element.
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查看完整版本: 如何记录监测点压力大小