zjk 发表于 2015-1-16 13:47:24


*** ERROR #973 ***
Weld element with   ELPAT: Only    3 out of 4 auxiliary points have
projections onto patch on side A. This is likely caused by weld radius
extending beyond the patch of elements surrounding GA.
The farthest auxiliary projection is outside the shell by       82 percent.
CWELD element id =   106348
Shell element id where GA is located =      这个忘了
Adjusting PROJTOL, GSMOVE and/or NREDIA on the SWLDPRM cardmay improve this.
请高手指点一下哪里出错了,怎么改正,element id=106348出错,改了好多次,还是提示这里出错,本人新手还望多多指点。582866645

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查看完整版本: 运行出错,实在不知道怎么改,请高手帮我看看哪里出错了