pengbingxiao 发表于 2016-3-14 16:17:39

ABAQUS CEL模型中Euler to Euler接触

我在用CEL方法建一个接触模型。这个接触模型中的euler domain 有两种不同材料 (A, B),这两种不同的材料之间需要定义接触。同时第三种材料定义为lagrange domain,它会和 Euler domain里面的两种材料A, B发生接触。
Euler to Euler Contact: A和B
Euler to Lagrangian contact: A和C, C和B

1. Euler to Lagrangian contact (A和C, C和B)可以解决,abaqus可以定义接触。但是Euler to Euler contact(A和B)按照abaqus documentation 会自动定义为接触,除此之外LZ并没有找到其他信息。
2. Euler to Euler 接触的性质,如何定义? 比如摩擦和热交换
3. Euler to Euler contact可以输出CPRESS, DSLIP等接触数据吗?


pengbingxiao 发表于 2016-3-15 23:59:12


pengbingxiao 发表于 2016-3-17 20:18:22


pengbingxiao 发表于 2016-3-18 15:34:53


pengbingxiao 发表于 2016-3-18 20:03:47


Unfortunately, it is not possible to set up the interaction property between two eulerian materials. The interaction behavior between the eulerian materials is sticky. This is described in Section 14.1.1 "Eulerian analysis", Paragraph "Interactions":

"Eulerian material instances interact with each other with a sticky behavior. This sticking occurs because of the kinematic assumption that a single strain field is applied to all materials within an element. Tensile stress can be transmitted across an interface between two Eulerian materials, and no slip occurs at these interfaces. This Eulerian-to-Eulerian contact behavior can be reasonable in some situations, such as in a simulation of a lead bullet penetrating a steel plate. Ablation of the bullet surface against the steel is captured by the sticky behavior within the Eulerian elements at the bullet-steel interface. Relative motion along this interface will occur only due to shearing of the lead material.

Eulerian-to-Eulerian contact occurs by default in an Eulerian analysis; you do not need to define contact interactions between Eulerian materials.

More complex contact interactions can be simulated when one of the contacting bodies is modeled using Lagrangian elements. This powerful capability supports applications such as fluid-structure interaction, where an Eulerian fluid contacts a Lagrangian structure."

So interaction between eulerian materials is not modelled as contact as in the case of Eulerian to Lagrangian contact. As aresult there are also no contact output variables available for the interaction between Eulerian materials

yinqilin007 发表于 2016-5-20 13:50:05


干物男00 发表于 2019-4-29 15:02:48

yinqilin007 发表于 2016-5-20 13:50


Laurence 发表于 2019-5-14 15:43:28


sunenjoy 发表于 2020-5-27 10:57:38


MyGod1123 发表于 2020-10-6 16:56:05

可以试试 通用接触。
interaction->Create interaction->在initial状态下选择general contact。相应的interaction property可设置为contact的默认选项。

ty6194 发表于 2020-12-9 19:56:03

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