yujiashiwei 发表于 2018-12-8 17:40:07


每次打开ABAQUS6.14-1就出现这个信息 每次都打不开 哪位大佬帮帮忙?
要做项目 很着急 在此谢过了!

yujiashiwei 发表于 2018-12-8 18:19:34


weicheng0404 发表于 2019-3-28 20:37:15

overconstraint checks: there are 10341 boundary conditions specified in this model. overconstraint checks for boundary conditions specified on slave nodes of rigid bodies, of *tie options, or of *coupling options require 4 mb of memory. if this is a problem, please turn off overconstraint checks using *constraint controls, no checks or increase the memory used by the pre-processor.

石榴点心 发表于 2019-4-24 12:28:01


ttlove 发表于 2019-7-12 15:55:48

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查看完整版本: 打开ABAQUS出现错误提示信息