baishzh 发表于 2005-4-3 14:44:20

Comeon2 发表于 2005-4-4 21:26:13


please check the follwing note and its derivatives.generally, it is difficult to find the exact experimental information.

zhourenfa78于 2005-02-25 07:58

Comeon2 发表于 2005-4-5 00:50:21


1, 有软件可以算, 详细请看 A21: JMatPro版.
2, 找一个有此曲线的类似材料直接用.
3, 自己根据已有的强度, 杨氏模量数据和 2 中的曲线编一个曲线. A21: JMatPro版里面介绍了一个网站可以查找材料性能, 自己去查吧. 应变速率影响可以不考虑, 或将应变速率敏感因子设定为 0.01, 对结果影响不大.

baishzh 发表于 2005-4-6 16:47:23

Comeon2 发表于 2005-4-7 01:00:53


If you cannot find the high temperature properties, that means there is no such information for that material available, or at least, no free information, does not mean you are stupid, ^-^.High temperature properties are limited, what you can do is to google search something like, properties of xxxx, or data of xxxx, or datasheet of xxxx, etc. and see your luck.Some PDF files are most likely to be helpful, you need to download and check through.No one can do anything else.So, good luck!

baishzh 发表于 2005-4-7 11:26:36

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