eli 发表于 2005-9-16 12:07:20



gzleeg 发表于 2005-9-19 09:09:49

eli 发表于 2005-9-21 17:20:17



eli 发表于 2005-9-21 17:33:15



eli 发表于 2005-9-21 17:35:06

Re:Jack Cofer简介

Mr. Cofer began his career at the General Electric Co. in 1974 as a marine turbine requisition and development engineer in the Medium Steam Turbine Department in Lynn, Massachusetts. In 1979 he received the GE Power Systems Sector Engineering Award for Young Engineer in the Industrial and Marine Steam Turbine Division. For more than twenty years, he has provided technical leadership in the development and use of advanced numerical and analytical methods for the design of turbomachinery, with special emphasis on aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, and numerical optimization. He has performed significant work in the aerodynamic design of high efficiency turbine blades and 3-D centrifugal compressor impellers, in the design and testing of downward and axial flow diffusing turbine exhaust hoods, and in the development of advanced numerical methods to optimize the thermodynamic performance of heat recovery steam generators and turbomachinery components.

From 1984 to 1996, Mr. Cofer held several management positions at GE in which he was responsible for the development of new, advanced aerodynamic designs for steam turbines for Navy surface ship and submarine propulsion, for commercial power generation, and for mechanical drive applications. In his last position at GE, he was Manager of Aerodynamics Engineering in the Steam Turbine/Generator Technology Department in Schenectady, NY, reporting to the Vice President, Power Generation Engineering. In this position, he was responsible for leading a team of engineers in the development and testing of new high-efficiency turbine and exhaust hood design concepts. He also coordinated steam turbine activities related to the development of new computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computer codes and design automation/optimization tools for use in the aerodynamic design of turbomachinery, and he acted as liaison with the aerodynamics development groups in GE Gas Turbines, GE Aircraft Engines, and the GE Corporate R&D Center. His team was awarded the 1994 GE Industrial & Power Systems Key Business Initiatives Award for the best team effort to improve GE products out of all 25,000 Power Systems employees. He was the champion within GE Power Systems for the use of the Engineous computer-aided optimization software developed at GE’s Corporate R&D Center, and for many years worked closely with Dr. Siu Tong, Engineous Software’s Founder and Chairman, to develop highly successful applications for steam turbine design.

In 1996, Mr. Cofer became Manager of Fluid Mechanics Engineering at Demag Delaval Turbomachinery Corporation in Trenton, NJ. In this position, he and his team were responsible for the development of new, high efficiency designs for steam turbines for mechanical drive and power generation applications, and also for centrifugal compressors for pipeline gas transmission, petrochemical plants, refineries, and many other applications. In 1997, he was named Manager, Research & Development, reporting to the Director of Engineering, and was responsible for all Demag Delaval R&D efforts in Trenton for turbines and compressors. Departments reporting to him included the Computer Systems Department, the Aero/Mechanical Analysis Department, Metallurgy Engineering, and the Engineering Library. In this capacity, he worked closely with other Demag Delaval facilities in Hengelo, the Netherlands, and Dui***urg, Germany.

In March 1999, Mr. Cofer joined Engineous Software Inc. as Director, Turbomachinery & Power Generation. With his 24-year history of using numerical optimization techniques to improve the designs of turbomachinery and power plant equipment, he is uniquely qualified to help turbomachinery and power generation equipment manufacturers around the world improve their products, business performance, and market share through the use of iSIGHT, Engineous Software’s award-winning process integration and design optimization software.

eli 发表于 2005-9-22 09:38:31

Re:Mr. Wei-Shan Chiang, CTO - FIPER, Engineous Software, Inc.

Formerly Director of Product Development at Engineous. As CTO, Mr.
Chiang serves as the key technical advisor on FIPER product strategy and
architecture requirements, he also plays the lead technical liaison to
FIPER-related partnerships and alliances and is the senior consultant to
scope large and complex FIPER projects. With over 16 years of experience
in product development and management, Mr. Chiang has participated in
many government-funded projects including the DARPA DICE project, RaDEO
project, ***D program, and NIST ATP Federated Intelligent Product
EnviRonment (FIPER). Prior to joining Engineous, Mr. Chiang worked in
various technical lead and project management positions at IsoQuest,
Inc., SRA International, Inc., Lockheed Martin Artificial Intelligent
Center, and General Electric Research and Development Center.

eli 发表于 2005-10-11 12:11:12


教育部力学课程指导委员会委员兼分委员会副主任委员。ISSMO ( 国际结构和多学科优化学会) 会员,中国力学学会理事,中国力学学会力学史与方法论专业委员会常务副理事长,中国力学学会教育工作委员会副理事长,北京力学学会副理事长兼计算力学专业委员会主任,中国力学学会计算力学专业委员会理事,国际期刊<International Journal of Computational Methods>编委,中国力学学会期刊<计算力学学报>编委,中国力学学会期刊<力学与实践>编委。
1985年至1986年于英国Liverpool大学同国际Engineering Optimization杂志主编Templeman教授进行科研合作,以后又有4次出国讲学和科研合作(1986年和1988年2次在法国Compiegne技术大学,到著名的有限元专家Batoz教授处合作与讲学。1995年在法国Belfort的Sevenans理工学院著名结构优化专家Domaszewski教授合作与讲学,1999年在美国Wright State University同著名的结构优化专家Grandhi教授合作)。2003年应松泽照男教授邀请在日本北陆先端科学技术大学院大学讲学。曾先后多次去泰国、香港、德国、波兰、美国和韩国参加国际学术会议,其中,于1995年、1997年、1999年和2001年连续4次参加结构和多学科优化优化世界大会WCSMO-1、WCMSO-2、WCSMO-3 和WCSMO-4。

1971-1973  应用数学中差、和分理论与应用研究。
1974-1977  建筑设计中应用数学方法与工民建结构计算方法的研究。

1、  CAD和结构优化;
2、   (土木和机械等)实用工程系统和应用软件;
3、  结构的数值模拟、仿真、优化和控制;
4、  实用数学规划软件和工程应用。

1985国家科技进步三等奖(结构优化程序系统 DDDU)
2000 全国学习科学学会优秀论文一等奖(〈学习观念的变迁和学会发现知识〉)
2000 全国学习科学学会优秀成果二等奖(〈人才.能力.创造---同青年朋友谈学习和研
2000 北京力学会优秀力学教师

l. Efficient Optimum Design of Structures Program DDDU,在美国Arizona召开的第十一届(1981)ONR Naval Structural Mechanics Symposium 发表,刊会议论文集,另于1982年发表于Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 30(1982):209-224.被EI收录(收录号EIX92090143028)
2. 广义几何规划的完全二阶原算法,计算结构力学及其应用,l988年第4期;76-82.
3. 优化模型的变换求解及其反演,基建优化,1989年第2期;10-20.
4. Computer Application in Optimum Design of Engineering Structure --- A Practical Program System DDDU,The Second East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Chiang Mai,Thailand, 11-13 January, 1989.
5.The Optimization of Beam-Containing Structure with Discrete Cross-Sections and Its Computer Implementation,The Second East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction,Chiang Mai,Thailand, 1l - l3 January,1989.
6 约束二次的二次规划的一种解法. 大连理工大学学报,30卷5期(1990).
7. 具有两类变量的空间桁架分层优化方法. 计算结构力学及其应用,7卷3期 (1990).
8. Optimum Design of Continuous Beams. Asian Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Hong Kong, December11-13, 1991. 被EI收录(收录号:EIX92120510232), 被ISTP收录(收录号:92-6-P52019-367)
9. Curved-Line Search Using Ordinary Differential Equations. International Conference on Optimization Techniques and Applications, Singapore, Jun 3-5, 1992. 被ISTP收录(收录号:93-1-P54518-154)
10. 壳体结构优化及其DDDU(W)新版本. 计算结构力学及其应用,9卷1期(1992): 79-89
11. 几何规划原算法对含多变量参数梁单元结构优化的统一处理. 计算结构力学及其应用,9卷4期(1992):422-429.
12.  The Expansion of Function under Transformation and Applications to Optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,133(1994): 253-262. 被SCI收录(收录号:ND983)
13. 基于两点累积信息的原/倒变量展开的对偶优化方法. 力学学报,1994, 26(4):699-710
14. Modified Newton Method and Dual Method through a Rational Approximation at Two Expanded Points. Engineering Optimization, 24(1995): 1-17. 被SCI收录(收录号: ND983)
15.结构综合的曲线寻优近似解析方法.力学学报, 1996,28(1):114-1184.
16.Extension for Duffin’s. Condensation and Applications to Structural Optimization. The Advances in Computational Mechanics, International Academic Publishers, (1996): 439-465.
17.Curvilinear Search for Structural Optimization. Structural Optimization Vol. 12,No.2/3,1996:106-112. 被SCI(收录号:VQ042)和EI(收录号:165431)收录
18.建模•变换•优化—结构综合方法新进展.大连: 大连理工大学出版社,1996.
19. Second-order Method of Generalized Geometric Programming for Spatial Frame Optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 141(1997):117-123. 被SCI(收录号:VM953)和EI(收录号:165987)收录
20.最优目标敏度紧系的桁架几何两步优化方法.力学学报. 1997,29(4):470-475
21.Generalized Condensation and its Application in Modeling and Optimization for Complicated Structures, Second World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 26-30,1997, Zakopane, Poland 989-994 WE (I***N 83-905454-7-0):989-994
22. New Analytical Problem—A Hot Research Subject After FEM and Application in The Plane Frame International Scientific Conference of Challenges to Civil and Mechanical Engineering in 2000 and Beyond, June 2-5, 1997, Technical University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland.
23. 形状优化中控制网格变动的一种新方法. 大连理工大学学报,1997, 37(4):386-391
24.三维连续体结构优化程序系统.大连理工大学学报, 1998, 38(3): 255-260.1998.5
25. A New Method for Structural Topological Optimization Based on the Concept of Independent Continuous Variables and Smooth Model. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 1998, 14(2): 179-185. 被SCI(收录号:Zv351)收录
26. The Analytical Solution with Respect to Characteristics of Elements Cross-Section as Variables of the Plane Frame. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1998, 19(4) :355-364. 被SCI(收录号:ZV917)和EI(收录号:x98504421553)收录
27.The Topological Optimization for Truss Structures with Stress Constraints
Based on the Exist-null Combined Model. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 1998,14(4):363~370
28.Two Optimization Methods for Complicated Structures with Multi-Parameter Elements Based on Generalized Condensation,Structural Optimization, 1999,17(2/3):226-232. 被SCI(收录号: 194KM)和EI(收录号:2220368)收录
29. A Method for Uniform modeling and Solution of Topological Optimization of Skeleton and Continuum Structures, 3rd World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 17-21 1999,Buffalo, New York
30.统一骨架与连续体的结构拓扑优化的ICM理论与方法. 计算力学学报, 2000, 1(17): 28-33.
31.多工况应力和位移约束下连续体结构拓扑优化. 力学学报,2000,2(32):171-179.
32.A Method for Uniform modeling and Solution of Topological Optimization of Skeleton and Continuum Structures. 王宽诚教育基金会:学术讲座汇编19 (2000). 钱伟长主编. 上海大学出版社( 2000年6月 ):122-128
33.平面膜结构拓扑优化的有无复合体方法. 力学学报, 2001,3 (33):357-364
34.基于“有无复合体”的应力约束下桁架和平面膜结构拓扑优化的统一模型. 固体力学学报, 2001,1(22):15-22
35.刚架结构拓扑优化. 固体力学学报, 2001,专辑(22):95-100
36.ICM Method of Topological Optimization for Truss, Frame and Continuum Structure. WCSMO-4, June 4-8 2001, Dalian
37.Topological Optimization of Frame Structures with Stress and Displacement Constraints under Multi-loading Cases. WCSMO-4, June 4-8, Dalian
38.自适应桁架结构形状最优控制.新世纪力学研讨会——钱学森技术科学思想的回顾与展望, 2001年11月12-13日, 北京庄逢甘、郑哲敏主编.钱学森技术科学思想与力学:387-391,国防工业出版社,2001年11月.
39.自适应超静定桁架强度控制能力的提高. 应用力学学报, 2001,1(18):97-103
40.自适应超静定桁架结构强度控制的研究.固体力学学报. 2001, 2(22):136-142
41.几种工程薄壳结构的分析及优化设计. 北京工业大学学报,2001,4(27): 383-389.
42.Stress Optimum Control of Adaptive Statically Indeterminate Truss with Mech-electric Coupling (English edition). Journal of Beijing Polytechnic University, 2002, 1(28):1-7.
43.提高超静定桁架承载能力的杆长调整法(中文版). 应用数学和力学. 2002, 3(23): 269-272.
A Method of Adjusting bar-Length of Statically Indeterminate Truss for Incresing its Load Capacity (English edition). Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2002, 3(23): 294-298. 被SCI收录(收录号:556FJ)
44.Characteristics of Strength Control of Adaptive Structure with Electromechanical Coupling. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2002, 1(15):49-61被SCI收录(收录号:544KK)
45.自适应结构多工况下强度控制的研究.力学学报. 2002, 2(34):223-227.
46.对于MSC.NASTRAN软件的使用和结构优化程序二次开发. 计算机辅助设计与制造,2002,5:49-51
47.An Optimization Method by Decomposition with Second Order Sensitivity. 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization. Sep. 4-6, 2002 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
49.Enhancing Affordability of Statically Indeterminate Truss by Using Actuators. 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization. Sep. 4-6, 2002 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
50.Optimum Stiffness Control of Intelligent Truss. 2nd China–Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, November 4 to 8, 2002 in Busan, Korea.
51.作动器参数对结构性能的影响和调整受力状态的实施策略模拟. 计算力学学报. 2002, 2(19):159-165.被EI收录(E2002437157244)
52. 按达朗伯原理推导冲击问题和求解冲击时间. 力学与实践,2002,24(6): 61-64
53.基于ICM方法的刚架结构拓扑优化. 计算力学学报, 2003, 3(20): 286-289被EI收录(04017805868)
54. 武际可、隋允康主编. 力学史和方法论论文集. 北京: 中国林业出版社, 2003年8月
55.智能天线结构形状最优控制. 无线电通信技术,2003,5(29):25-27.
56.空间智能结构的一种最优调控方法. 北京工业大学学报,2003,2(29): 133-137
57.位移约束下智能桁架的强度最优控制. 计算力学学报, 2003, 2(21): 197-201被EI收录(04298266606)
58.Optimum Control Simulation of Adaptive Piezoelectric Truss. COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS WCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM’04, Sept. 5-10, 2004, Beijing, China 2004, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag: 639-644
59. Sectional optimization method of frame structures and program implementation with MSC/PATRAN, NASTRAN software. COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS WCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM’04, Sept. 5-10, 2004, Beijing, China 2004, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag: 487
60. MSC.Nastran有限元动力分析与优化设计实用教程.科学出版社,2004年4月
61. 应力和位移约束下桁架拓扑优化的有无复合体方法. 固体力学学报. 2004, 3(25):355-359
62. 频率约束下连续体结构ICM拓扑优化.北京工业大学学报,2004,1(30): 1-10. 177.
63. 应力约束下连续体结构拓扑优化.北京工业大学学报,2004,1(30): 11-17.
64. 基于响应面模型的MCZ晶体生长参数的优化设计.北京工业大学学报,2004,1(30): 18-25.
65. 无量纲的框架结构截面优化.北京工业大学学报,2004,1(30): 24-28
66. 膜结构截面的离散变量优化及其在MSC.Nastran上的二次开发.北京工业大学学报,2004,1(30): 29-34
67. Control Optimization of Trusses with Electric-Mechanical Coupling. The 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. 30 Aug. – 2 Sept., 2004, Albany, USA
68. Multi-Objective Optimal Control of Smart Trusses. CJK-OSM3(The Third China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical System)30 Oct. – 2 Nov., 2004, Kanazawa, Japan
69. Topological optimization of continuum structure with global stress constraints based on ICM method. International Conference on Computational Methods, December 15-17, 2004, Singapore . SCI收录
70. Optimal displacement control simulation of electric-mechanical coupled trusses. International Conference on Computational Methods, December 15-17, 2004, Singapore . SCI收录
71. The application of improved RSM in shape optimization of two-dimension continuum. International Conference on Computational Methods, December 15-17, 2004, Singapore . SCI收录
72. Sensitivity analysis and cross-sectional optimization of truss structure using RSM. International Conference on Computational Methods, December 15-17, 2004, Singapore .SCI收录
73. Topological optimization of frame structures under multiple loading cases. International Conference on Computational Methods, December 15-17, 2004, Singapore . SCI收录
74. 应力和位移约束下的板壳结构截面优化.力学学报. 2004, 6(36):701-708


eli 发表于 2005-10-11 12:13:52

Re:Ren-Jye Yang博士介绍

Dr. Ren-Jye Yang received his B.S. in Civil Engineering and M.S. degree in Engineering Mechanics from the National Taiwan University at Taipei, Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from The University of Iowa at Iowa City in 1984.He is currently a Technical Leader in the Passive Safety Research and Advanced Engineering Department at Ford Research & Advanced Engineering, responsible for the development of safety optimization and robustness and high performance computing methodologies. Before he joined Ford in 1988, Dr. Yang was a Staff Research Engineer in the Engineering Mechanics Department at GM Research Laboratories. His research areas of interest include: Design Optimization, Reliability-Based Design Optimization, High Performance Computing, CAE, Model Verification and Validation methods, Mechanical Design, Probabilistic and Statistic Methods, Computational Mechanics, Robust Design, etc. Dr. Yang has received numerous awards, including two Henry Ford Technology Awards, which is the highest technical award at Ford Motor Company. Dr. Yang has published 50 referred Journal papers. He is a Senior Advisor and associate editor of the Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Journal and serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Reliability and Safety. He is an ASME fellow and is a committee member of the ASME PTC 60 Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics. Recently, he was elected as an Industry Advisor for the ASME Design Automation Executive Committee. He is the recipient of the ASME Design Automation Award in 2005. Dr. Yang has also served on the University/Industry Advisory Board for the University of Iowa, UCLA, and VPI.

eli 发表于 2005-10-17 12:09:10


            1992-2000神户大学 攻读硕士、博士学位
            2000-      Engineous Japan Inc,历任高级工程师、总工程师,现任部长(Director)
                         主要方向:汽车行业的CAE、CAO、Robust Design
                                 (日产汽车)Engine Mount 优化设计

eli 发表于 2005-11-8 15:39:11


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