珠穆浪玛 发表于 2006-3-23 11:26:42


————本文摘自Itasca‘s Softwaren ewsletter 的 《Soft Spot》
在线性隧道上施加的较高注浆压力可能对衬砌结构产生损坏,FLAC能够通过使用FISH语言来确定注浆压力的加载和应用来评价这种破坏。下面通过一个隧道衬砌和开挖面之间有空隙的浅埋线性隧道来展示这种方法的应用。(See Example4.12 in Section 4 of the Theory and Background volume of the FLAC3.4 manual.) 下面通过这个例子在隧道衬砌和围岩空隙闭合后保存的状态来模拟。In the data file below, we apply a pressure to node number 6 of the
beam elements that define the liner. This is done by converting
the pressure to a force applied to a selected structural
node (node 6) and the nearest gridpoint. The effect of the
grout pressure on the moments in the liner is shown for the
case of a limiting plastic moment assigned to all of the structural
nodes (see figure below). The lining has failed at the
point that the pressure is applied.
This is a simple demonstration of the approach; in general,
we can scan all points on the interface with a FISH function
and apply forces to both the medium and the structure that
correspond to a specified pressure. The pressure can also be
made to depend on the closure, which is available to the

rest tun_lin.sav
call int.fin
def ApplyGrout
jgrid = 0
ip = int_pnt
loop while ip # 0 ;All potential interfaces
loop nside (1,2) ; Scan both sides
caseOf nside
case 1
pa = imem(ip+$kicapt) ; A-side
case 2
pa = imem(ip+$kicbpt) ; B-side
loop while pa # 0
if imem(pa+$kidj) = 0 ; structure only
if imem(pa+$kidi) = str_node ; Given node
force_mag = fmem(pa+$kidlen)* gr_press
x_force = force_mag * fmem(pa+$kidun)
y_force = force_mag * fmem(pa+$kidun+1)
otherSide = imem(pa+$kidseg)
igrid = imem(otherSide+$kidi); nearby
jgrid = imem(otherSide+$kidj) ;gridpoint
pa = imem(pa)
ip = imem(ip)
negxf = -x_force
negyf = -y_force
if jgrid 0 ; Just in case something went wrong
command ; Apply equal & opposite forces to grid and lining
struct node=str_node load x_force y_force 0
apply xforce=negxf yforce=negyf, i=igrid,igrid j=jgrid,jgrid
set gr_press=1.5e7 str_node=6 ;Set grout pressure & application node
; add next two lines for plastic moment
struct prop 1 pmom 3.0e6
struct hinge 1 24
cyc 1000
label plot 1 2 9
grout at node 6
label plot 2 2 8
(plastic hinge in liner)
plo hol gri struc mom fill max 4.4e6 lr beam iwhit label lmag
;--- end

珠穆浪玛 发表于 2006-3-23 11:34:05


相关图片,从网上淘来的不敢独享,奉献给大家,希望对朋友们有用 。

lakewater 发表于 2006-3-23 14:26:23



lovemm 发表于 2016-4-2 12:29:59

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