1、If a fixed boundary is used while generating the static stress state, this boundary condition can be replaced by quiet boundaries; the boundary gridpoints will be freed, and the boundary reaction forces will be automatically calculated and maintained throughout the dynamic loading phase.(说出了quiet的工作方式)
2、However, care should be taken to avoid changes in static loading during the dynamic phase. For example, if a tunnel is excavated after quiet boundaries have been specified on the bottom boundary, the whole model will start to move upward.
This is because the total gravity force no longer balances the total reaction force at the bottom that was calculated when the boundary was changed to a quiet one.(quiet的这个特性使得flac模拟有变动的荷载的动力计算受到某些限制,比如列车驶进驶出隧道时隧道内作用荷载或为0,或是平均值为列车自重的振动函数,如果仅施加ff和quiet边界而不另加特别处理,模型必将发生整体向下移动!)
3、If a stress boundary condition is used during the static solution, a stress boundary condition of opposite sign must also be applied over the same boundary when the quiet boundary is applied for the dynamic phase. This will allow the correct reaction forces to be in place at the boundary for the dynamic calculation.(提出了一种情况的解决办法,在静力平衡时若采用的是应力边界,则在使用quiet边界后应加上相应的反力,但此法有局限,不适应于地铁列车振动问题,列车荷载是施加在模型中部的隧道底部且是平均值为列车自重的动载函数)
2、模型四周采用ff边界,在底部采用fix z 边界,尽管知道不合理,但也进行尝试比较。因为手册这样说过“Note that the free-field boundary, shown in Figure 3.4, is not required if the only dynamic source is within the model”,于是想试试此时底部是否也可以不采用quiet边界呢?!所得隧道基土位移与时间的关系曲线如图222所示。此时所得隧道基土变形曲线似乎较合理,但是感觉理论上过不去,以及几乎完全回弹亦有些不合理。
图111为施加“ ff+底边quiet ”边界所得的隧道基土沉降与时间的关系曲线.
图222为仅施加“ ff ”边界(其实底边仍为fix)所得的隧道基土沉降与时间的关系曲线.
[ 本帖最后由 dfhmail 于 2006-6-25 10:13 编辑 ] hbt2008 发表于 2008-3-25 13:56
我认为列车自重应该放在动力阶段,车在行驶过程中,连自重一起对路面造成振动。 最近Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics有一篇文章,可以去看看:
Dynamic analysis of train-bridge system subjected to non-uniform seismic excitations
He Xia 1 *, Yan Han 2, Nan Zhang 1, Weiwei Guo 1
1School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
2College of Architecture, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100041, China
email: He Xia (hxia@center.njtu.edu.cn hxia88@163.com) Funded by:
National Natural Science Foundation of China; Grant Number: 50478059
bridge train earthquakes dynamic response running safety non-uniform seismic excitation
Based on the theory of dynamic wheel-rail interactions, a dynamic model of coupled train-bridge system subjected to earthquakes is established, in which the non-uniform characteristics of the seismic wave input from different foundations are considered. The bridge model is based on the modal comprehension analysis technique. Each vehicle is modelled with 31 degrees of freedom. The seismic loads are imposed on the bridge by using the influence matrix and exerted on the vehicles through the dynamic wheel-rail interaction relationships. The normal wheel-rail interaction is tackled by using the Hertzian contact theory, and the tangent wheel-rail interaction by the Kalker linear theory and the Shen-Hedrick-Elkins theory. A computer code is developed. A case study is performed to a continuous bridge on the planned Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway in China. Through input of typical seismic waves with different propagation velocities to the train-bridge system, the histories of the train running through the bridge are simulated and the dynamic responses of the bridge and the vehicles are calculated. The influences of train speed and seismic wave propagation velocity on the dynamic responses of the bridge-vehicle system are studied. The critical train speeds are proposed for running safety on high-speed railway bridges under earthquakes of various intensities 好文章!
学习! 正在学习Dynamic anasys部分,参考 :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: 你的理解是不正确的!列车行驶竖向加速度仍然是以0为基线的震动,不然车轨飞到太空或者沉入地核了。列车重力是静力应该在静力计算阶段考虑,不要把静力和动力混在一起。 qiang ren :) 这是我用3d算的一个小例子,附图中的是地铁隧道顶部的速度时程曲线,我列车菏载只加了1s,计算进行了4.5s,怎么速度到后来恒定了呢,应该被阻尼衰减为0啊,请高手指点 补个上面例子的加速度时程曲线~ 列车荷载还是忘记减去了:L 列车重力是静力应该在静力计算阶段考虑,不要把静力和动力混在一起。 做的很好。。。。。。 :victory: good work 好东西好东西 很有收获 :victory::victory::victory: 好文章