iletelle 发表于 2006-8-21 10:19:19


哪位能帮我搞明白plane stressplane strainAxisymmetric elementGeneralized plane strain3-D plane stress element之间有什么区别?

zhoujianguo 发表于 2006-8-21 12:16:15


混天涯 发表于 2006-8-21 20:02:52

In real engineering components, stress (and strain) are 3-D tensors but in thin-walled structures such as plates subject to in-plane loading or thin cylinders subject to pressure loading, the thickness of the material is much less than the other two dimensions. The stresses associated with thickness, i.e the normal stress σ33 and the shear stresses σ12 and σ23 (if the thickness is the 3-direction) are not able to develop within the material and are small compared to the in-plane stresses.This stress state is called plane stress. This strain term can be temporarily removed from the analysis to leave only the in-plane terms, effectively reducing the 3-D problem to a much simpler 2-D problem.

混天涯 发表于 2006-8-21 20:04:06

Plane strain is similar.

混天涯 发表于 2006-8-21 20:07:53

The axisymmetric element provides for the stiffness of one radian of the structure.
For details, please check the ADINA handbook.

iletelle 发表于 2006-8-21 23:55:46

各位的回复能有讲的具体点的么? 详细点可以么?说的我看不太懂了

混天涯 发表于 2006-8-22 00:17:29

推荐一本书:连续介质力学导论,Y. C. Fung 写的。

iletelle 发表于 2006-8-22 16:13:12


混天涯 发表于 2006-8-22 17:07:33

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