qqjjlv 发表于 2006-12-2 16:52:23


1、There are 8 small equation solver pivot terms.
2、The calculated reference MOMENT CONVERGENCE VALUE = 1.02377671E-05
less than 1E-2 a threshold zero, A value of 1E-2 or specified MINREF
is used. Check results carefully.
3、*** ERROR ***
The value of UY at node 8 is 14155211.6. It is greater than the
current limit of 1000000. This generally indicates rigid body motion
as a result of an unconstrained model. Verify that your model is
properly constrained.

4、*** ERROR ***
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load
or when buckling has occurred. You can plot the time history curve
for node 8 in the UY direction to check for stiffness (slope of the
curve) approaching zero.

lizhanhui 发表于 2009-1-12 08:25:50


zhoulon 发表于 2009-1-12 10:33:46


zhoulon 发表于 2009-1-12 10:34:18

回复 2# lizhanhui 的帖子


James_Wang 发表于 2009-2-2 04:32:43

This information indicated that your FE Model has problem, normally the people should check all the important things which could cause the problem, for example the connectivity of FEM, Boudary condition etc, particularly Boundary condition.
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