yymaverick 发表于 2007-1-2 15:11:48



sh_lin30 发表于 2007-1-3 21:17:46


sch 发表于 2007-1-4 00:27:14


yymaverick 发表于 2007-1-4 13:48:39


kongdong 发表于 2007-1-4 16:06:42

原帖由 sch 于 2007-1-4 00:27 发表


benjackxu 发表于 2007-1-4 23:45:42

原帖由 sch 于 2007-1-4 00:27 发表


yaooay 发表于 2007-1-5 01:47:28


原帖由 sch 于 2007-1-4 00:27 发表

tonnyw 发表于 2007-1-5 05:49:32

I assume you have master or bachelor degree in mechanics. So why not use your skills and knowledge to study biophysics, cellular physics, or nano materials? Once you are done, you are guaranteed a good prospect.

FreddyMusic 发表于 2007-1-5 10:49:34

原帖由 tonnyw 于 2007/1/5 05:49 发表
I assume you have master or bachelor degree in mechanics. So why not use your skills and knowledge to study biophysics, cellular physics, or nano materials? Once you are done, you are guaranteed a...


I don't think there are so many chance and position for new prospect in China at the moment.
It's quite different with state. Yes "Once It is success." But how about risk ?
how about life and the patient ?

Indeed, That is smart decision to find, locate and make, what haven't happen or haven't been made.

Eg. Solar Energy in China , He is a one of the richest man in China now.
5 years before all his friends and employee leave him away for no salary within 3 - 6 months.

tonnyw 发表于 2007-1-5 12:15:09

First yymaverick does not care too much about how long the Ph.D. will take. He wants to learn something.

Traditional mechanics are very old stuff. People who used to be in the area of mechanics are not shifting to the new areas. In my opinion, to get Ph.D. in mechanics is really risky. Those people who are doing research in biophysics, celluar physics, or molecular dynamics lack of background in mechanics. But for yymaverick, mechanics is his advantage. He knows the theories of mechanics and modelling.

He may find an advisor not good in this area. But it is okay. He can read the papers in this area and communicate with those guys in this areas. He can even self-study some of the related courses by browsing the MIT opencourse.

I would say there is no risk at all. Just like you take TOEFL, you may not go abroad. But your English is improved.

As long as yymaverick reads all the papers in one of these areas, categorize, and synthesize them, it is already good enough. Not mention he can do something new.

Your comments are welcome.

FreddyMusic 发表于 2007-1-5 13:18:59

A Ph.D. suppose to be a little bit more than just learn something.
yymaverick is probably thinking about his future and career.
However, In my opinion, Job selection and R&D direction is quite individal things.

which is no more than what we can help as a suggestion in a forum.

Half years before I modified the forum name. FEA medicine -> Chemical Biology and medicine.
Now it appears to be my personal fantasy. Too few people specialized for that in Simwe or in Chinese technology circle.
The struggle for a cross-over between mechncial and Biology would be awful pain.

One question have ever try with MIT open course ? Or any available experience ?
I browse once, only some translated PPT hang there. I don't think high education would be so easy.

tonnyw 发表于 2007-1-5 14:06:04

I found the open course is pretty good. Did you try this one: http://ocw.mit.edu/index.html?

When I made suggestion, I also consider his future and career too. The mentioned areas are hot subjects of the century. There are not many people doing research on these stuff from the perspective of mechanics. He doesn't need to read a lot papers. Any small contribution is worth a dissertation. If you have solid background in mechanics, it is easy to produce new results. I just don't see why it is painful.

FreddyMusic 发表于 2007-1-5 14:17:22

OKey tonnyw you win. go sleep.

tonnyw 发表于 2007-1-5 15:21:54

I found the open course is pretty good. Did you try this one: http://ocw.mit.edu/index.html?

When I made suggestion, I also consider his future and career too. The mentioned areas are hot subjects of the century. There are not many people doing research on these stuff from the perspective of mechanics. He doesn't need to read a lot papers. Any small contribution is worth a dissertation. If you have solid background in mechanics, it is easy to produce new results. I just don't see why it is painful.

yymaverick 发表于 2007-1-5 15:28:47


kongdong 发表于 2007-1-7 12:59:48

TO tonnyw,

本科我是力学滴,现在读cell mechanics的博士(cell adhesion),虽然这方面算是生物力学的前沿,可自己课题组内做的还是有些落后,没有试验条件,现在就我一个人adhesion,看看这,看看那,主要是model的上一些东西,迷茫的很啊。

tonnyw 发表于 2007-1-8 05:54:00

Here is my wild imagination which may be nonsense:
If somebody already has the model, could you try to see if you can come out a different way to solve it? Could you introduce some error estimation in mechanics to your area?
If the other guys use deterministic model, could you introduce stochastic idea to your model?

What I mean is that you can modify/improve some existing models. That will be good enough.

kongdong 发表于 2007-1-10 03:32:45

Yeah, I'm sure you're a colleague in Mech. And, you know or understand current situation deeply. We use our mechanics knowledge, to improve the determinstic and linear model of cell mechanics, for example the receptor - ligand bonds are modeled as linear springs, but they have stochastic nature and nonlinear mechanical stiffness.
   What I do in future, is to relate what we mechanicions have with what biologists want. To read more paper, and to do think more creatively, ......

kongdong 发表于 2007-1-10 03:37:58

回复 #18 kongdong 的帖子

And, there're some famous Chinese scientists in the background of mechanics, making good jops and publishing papers on Science or Nature or PNAS. For example, Gang Bao, Huajian Gao, Cheng Zhu, Ning Wang, and so on.

jianghaibo 发表于 2007-1-11 09:01:42

回复 #16 kongdong 的帖子

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