blue_eye 发表于 2007-3-9 16:03:45




tonnyw 发表于 2007-3-9 16:35:13


blue_eye 发表于 2007-3-11 21:54:16


tonnyw 发表于 2007-3-13 00:09:06

Discrete domain:          1--------------------------2----------------------------3
                                 x1      Element 1       x2      Element 2         x3
Assume we are using linear element and the element length is h, the shape functions are
For element 1, N1(x) = (x2-x1)/h, N2(x) =(x-x1)/h
For element 2, N2(x) = (x3-x)/h, N3(x) = (x-x2)/h

Take an arbitrary element xi--------------------------xj and apply the variational form, we have:
int du/dx dv/dx = int 2 * v(x)

Approximate u by u = ui*Ni(x) + uj*Nj(x), and let v = Ni(x) and Nj(x) respectively, we have
int <dNi(x)/dx*dNi(x)/dx, dNj(x)/dx*dNi(x)/dx> * <ui, uj>^T = int 2*Ni(x) for v=Ni(x)

int <dNi(x)/dx*dNj(x)/dx, dNj(x)/dx*dNj(x)/dx> * <ui, uj>^T = int 2*Nj(x) for v=Nj(x)

Therefore you can plug the parameters from Element 1 and Element 2 into the above formula, you will get the element stiffness matrix and load vector.

Now we need to apply the boundary conditions:
For u(0) = 0, we can put something like u(0) - epsilon*du/dx(0) = 0, epsilon is a very small number,
If we apply the variational form for the element touching the left boundary, we have
int du/dx * dv/dx = du/dx(h)*v(h) - du/dx(0)*v(0)
We know du/dx(0) = u(0)/epsilon, then we have:

int du/dx * dv/dx = du/dx(h)*v(h) - 1/epsilon*u(0)*v(0). We can forget about du/dx(h)*v(h)since it will be cancelled with the contribution from another element when assembling the element stiffness matrix. So we have actually:
int du/dx * dv/dx + 1/epsilon*u(0)*v(0) = 0

Note v(0) = N1(0) = 1, v(0) = N2(0) = 0. But noting u(0) = N1(0)*u1 + N2(0)*u2, we can get the element stiffness matrix by including the boundary conditions. This is the penalty methods. Same way, we can enforce u(1)=1.

blue_eye 发表于 2007-3-27 20:48:08

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查看完整版本: 【求助】关于一维热传导方程的有限元解