flchflchflch 发表于 2007-4-29 16:10:06



flchflchflch 发表于 2007-4-30 13:43:36


icst_li 发表于 2007-5-2 21:37:16

其实接触热阻和许多因素有关的. 接触热阻的模型也很多.模拟出来的结果和实际情况相差很大的.

iomega 发表于 2007-5-3 09:27:33

In microscale, there are two major models: acoustic mismatch model (AMM) and diffusive mismatch model (DMM).both of them can predict some experimental results. The microscalethermal contact resistance is order of 10^-9 ~10^-8m^2-K/W. For instance, contact resistance at metal-silicon interface is around 10^-8 m^2-K/W.

The macroscale thermal contact resistance depends on surface quality, presure, etc. Typically it's in the order of 10^-5 ~ 10^-4 m^2-K/W.

原帖由 icst_li 于 2007-5-2 21:37 发表 http://www.simwe.com/forum/images/common/back.gif
其实接触热阻和许多因素有关的. 接触热阻的模型也很多.模拟出来的结果和实际情况相差很大的.

icst_li 发表于 2007-5-3 12:45:26


[ 本帖最后由 icst_li 于 2007-5-3 21:58 编辑 ]
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