yumingkun 发表于 2008-2-28 14:40:45


Performing equation number optimization.
Optimized equation numbering :
Number of equations = 628956.
Estimates of maximum bandwidth :
Original max. bandwidth=         627228.
Optimized max. bandwidth =          17700. (Starting node =   128793).
Equation number optimization complete.
Model errors exist - file D:\work\chaguan0228-f.dat has not been created.
Please resolve conditions indicated by ERROR or ALERT
messages given above.
***WARNING: Fluid-structure interaction BCD 2 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 2 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 2 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 2 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 3 and 2 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 3 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 3 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 3 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 3 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 3 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 3 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 3 and 2 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 4 and 2 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 4 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 4 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 4 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 4 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 4 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 4 and 1 are connected.
             Fluid-structure interaction BCD 4 and 2 are connected.
***INPUT ERROR: Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 6 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 6 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 6 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 6 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 6 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 6 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 6 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 7 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 7 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 7 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 7 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 7 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 7 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 7 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 7 and 5 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 9 and 8 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 9 and 8 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 9 and 8 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 9 and 8 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 9 and 8 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 9 and 8 are not allowed.
               Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 9 and 8 are not allowed.
请问:这个问题中,Fluid-structure interaction BCD 2 and 1 are connected,怎么解决?FSI边界条件分成1、2、3、4是为了和结构部分对应。
Connected fluid-fluid interface BCD 6 and 5 are not allowed这个错误又要怎样才能解决呢?

haige 发表于 2008-3-4 14:10:25

唉呀 没有用ADINA做过流固耦合 忘版主出来解答

武汉游侠 发表于 2008-3-5 15:57:04

回复 1# 的帖子


yumingkun 发表于 2008-3-6 21:32:49

回复 3# 的帖子

针对这个问题,版主觉得怎么样改进可以做出来呢 ?
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 流固耦合问题!