olivecoach 发表于 2008-8-11 11:01:54

百年船级社诚聘Plan Approval Engineers

百年船级社诚聘Plan Approval Engineers

- Load line/Stability/Hull Weight 如果你在国家研究所工作2年,期望到更加广阔的国际公司开阔视野,如果你在民营的船舶设计公司里想换个环境到国外培训充电,请留意这个工作机会:


Working Location: Shanghai


Assessment and approval of hull structures for new building projects

Plan approval of launching arrangements and assessment of ship safety aspects

Strength analyses within the scope of plan approval

Competent point of contact for design offices, yards and ship-owners


Bachelor degree majored in naval architecture or other equivalence

Minimum 3 years working experience as a hull design engineer

Professional experience in special weight to hull, load line, stability or structural strength calculation

Familiar with internal/external class rules

Preferably in Tanker and Bulk Carriers experience

MS Office skills and good written and verbal English

jane_zhang@olivecoach,com, olivecoach@126.com
OCG上海欧立文企业管理咨询有限公司 章小姐
电话:021-3876 2454(9:30—17:30)

P.S.: 为了最大程度提高我们推荐您简历的效率,并且更好的为您反馈,请将简历用中文命名为<姓名_起始工作年_最近职位_学历_所在地及公司名称,使您寄来的简历呈现命名如:张三_98_压力容器检验师_本科_上海XX公司〉

MSN: ocg_mc@hotmail.com
QQ: 291837948 (欢迎在线咨询)

About OCG:
We are professional HR consultancy located in Shanghai. Our clients are famous international companies with office in Shanghai/Beijing. Currently, we are appointed to search qualified candidates. We work for our clients and therefore our service for you is free of charge.

olivecoach 发表于 2008-8-15 14:47:34

The job is still open now, please feel free to contact us.

olivecoach 发表于 2008-8-18 14:46:31


olivecoach 发表于 2008-9-5 15:56:48

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