zhangyl1968 发表于 2008-8-16 15:18:24


Seismic record - El Center - 10 sec - max acc 341.70 gal at 2.14 sec
500500    0
    Time    Acc   Time    Acc   Time   Acc      Time    Acc   Time    Acc
new format for quake/w
    2    1
上述加速度时程(QUAKE/W)中的格式,请问500 500 0各代表什么?2   1   各代表什么?谢谢!

basara 发表于 2008-8-25 11:04:30

参看用户手册中 Time-acceleration data pairs的内容我没有看到500 500 0
21 的意思分别是
The first digit (2 in this example) indicates the data is in a time-acceleration pair format.
The second digit (1 in this example) identifies the units. One means cm/sec, 2 means meters/sec, 3 means feet/sec and 4 means in/sec.
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