yaohuayan2008 发表于 2008-9-21 21:43:16

review boundary是什么意思?什么时候需要选择?

review boundary是什么意思?什么时候需要选择?

basara 发表于 2008-9-22 15:49:50

review boundary是Potential Seepage Face Review?
Potential Seepage Face Review: if the boundary type is Q or q, the node is reviewed and modified in response to the computed results. When a flux boundary is reviewed, SOLVE determines if there is a net inflow or net outflow.If there is a net outward flux, this represents a seepage face.The boundary condition is then modified which consists of setting the Action to the value of the y-coordinate and setting the type to head (H). This has the effect of setting the water pressure to zero.
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