lishuping 发表于 2009-1-16 14:34:26

招聘Labview 工程师-非诚勿扰

Job Description:
•        The candidate will be considered a technical expert in automatic testing development and analysis techniques, to further develop ability to support product develop testing and manufacturing of premium energy storage systems
•        Be responsible for specifies, designs, develops, documents and implements timely, cost-effective, low maintenance, high performance automatic test solutions, will diagnostic programs, troubleshooting test systems and equipment, designs test fixtures and equipment, and completes test procedures for products.
•        Trains user on testing hardware and/or software, as well as proper problem solving techniques, develop and maintain software tools and diagnostics utilities for test.
•        Actively seeks collaboration with internal and external team members, and responsible for planning and implementing an overall development process strategy. Focus will be to develop common strategy for core test development tools, core test frames, core software, core hardware and fixtures, and standardized reporting and analysis.

Job Requirement:
•        Sufficient experience with LabVIEW program(2+ yrs or has written large programs of 30+ VI’s), Consideration shall be given to who has the concerns on standardization, re-usability, maintainability,and costs.
•        2 years relevant automatic test development experience, has experience with analog and digital circuitry, communication circuits & protocols, micro-processor based products, be familiarity with PC I/O interface controlled (PCI、USB、R232、GPIB).
•        Previous work in team development (knows how to use source control, knows proper design/documentation etc.),and experience with CS concepts such as Queues, OOP a plus
•        Someone that can understand code/maintain legacy code, and experience with databases a plus.
•        Good communications skills, fluent in verbal English and strong technical writing skill are essential.


1. Labview水平要高, 有实际项目开发经验.
2. 不懂团队开发, 不懂面向对象编程, 只会几个简单的VI, 没良好的编程习惯等上述要求就不要投了
3. 英语要过得去, 能和老外沟通是必须滴, 否则没法干活
4. 相信我, 不是皮包公司, 上班地点: 深圳


lishuping 发表于 2009-1-31 15:41:10

顶起来, 为世界知名公司招聘呢

efgh341 发表于 2009-2-8 08:12:17


我这套工作服 就是用这些材料做的。”要不是有贺史朗提醒平衡阀 多功能水泵控制阀布袋除尘器除尘设备,在场所有的人都不会注意到他的衣服。这件工作服与普遍的衣服看上去别无二致,手感也很柔软

paulbin 发表于 2009-3-10 11:39:38


6v87qe 发表于 2009-3-12 19:35:53


jeffrey27 发表于 2009-3-30 16:36:48

Sounds interesting, but more information is necessary.
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