六合音 发表于 2009-5-12 10:29:34


本帖最后由 zsq-w 于 2010-12-8 13:21 编辑







六合音 发表于 2009-5-12 10:32:13

运动耦合和rigid body差不多。表面节点运动与受力相同,且不发生相对位移,运动等等

六合音 发表于 2009-5-12 10:31:26

Kinematic coupling is enforced in a strict master-slave approach. Degrees of freedom (DOFs) at the coupling nodes are eliminated, and the coupling nodes will be constrained to move with the rigid body motion of the reference node.
Distributing coupling is enforced in an average sense. Degrees of freedom at the coupling nodes are not eliminated. Rather, the constraint is enforced by distributing loads such that。 the resultants of the forces at the coupling nodes are equivalent to the forces and moments at the reference node, and force and moment equilibrium of the distributed loads about the reference point is maintained
A kinematic coupling constraint does not allow relative motion among the constrained DOFs. It does allow relative motion among the unconstrained DOFs.
A distributing coupling allows relative motion among the constrained and unconstrained DOFs. The relative motion of the coupling nodes will be such that the equilibrium condition on the distributed loads is maintained.
As an example, consider the cantilever beam shown in Figure 1. It is meshed with second order brick elements and is built-in at the right end. A coupling constraint is defined at the free end. Degrees of freedom 1 through 6 of the end surface nodes are included in the constraint. At the reference node, a displacement is applied in the vertical (2) direction, while all other displacement and rotation components are held to zero

六合音 发表于 2009-5-12 10:33:09

以上2楼 3楼内容均为他人所写,

gaoguocheng 发表于 2010-12-8 13:08:22

限于水平还不能与您探讨,学习了谢谢啦!还有个问题想请教,定义扭矩时,参考点与实际加载界面之间应该是什么耦合呢?能帮帮看看我这个inp文件问题在哪里吗?谢谢啦 3# 六合音

wangzi226 发表于 2010-12-8 16:55:02


gaoguocheng 发表于 2010-12-9 09:32:39

这个模型是静力分析,用分布耦合就行。$ @( E' N/ @! F5 @1 n3 l" @

3 t$ g# K0 d4 D8 X3 ?7 a动态分析用kinematic耦合。
这是版主给我的解释,我认为是关于加载矩问题如何选择耦合约束最好理解的,感谢版主! 6# wangzi226

563999954 发表于 2010-12-9 09:45:22


hao_12506 发表于 2018-11-29 12:05:00

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