qibbxxt 发表于 2010-9-7 16:53:09



function varargout = tsp_ga(xy,dmat,pop_size,num_iter,show_prog,show_res)
%TSP_GA Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) Genetic Algorithm (GA)
%   Finds a (near) optimal solution to the TSP by setting up a GA to search
%   for the shortest route (least distance for the salesman to travel to
%   each city exactly once and return to the starting city)
% Summary:
%   1. A single salesman travels to each of the cities and completes the
%      route by returning to the city he started from
%   2. Each city is visited by the salesman exactly once
% Input:
%   XY (float) is an Nx2 matrix of city locations, where N is the number of cities
%   DMAT (float) is an NxN matrix of point to point distances/costs
%   POP_SIZE (scalar integer) is the size of the population (should be divisible by 4)
%   NUM_ITER (scalar integer) is the number of desired iterations for the algorithm to run
%   SHOW_PROG (scalar logical) shows the GA progress if true
%   SHOW_RES (scalar logical) shows the GA results if true
% Output:
%   OPT_RTE (integer array) is the best route found by the algorithm
%   MIN_DIST (scalar float) is the cost of the best route
% 2D Example:
%   n = 50;
%   xy = 10*rand(n,2);
%   pop_size = 60;
%   num_iter = 1e4;
%   show_prog = 1;
%   show_res = 1;
%   a = meshgrid(1:n);
%   dmat = reshape(sqrt(sum((xy(a,:)-xy(a',:)).^2,2)),n,n);
%    = tsp_ga(xy,dmat,pop_size,num_iter,show_prog,show_res);
% 3D Example:
%   n = 50;
%   xyz = 10*rand(n,3);
%   pop_size = 60;
%   num_iter = 1e4;
%   show_prog = 1;
%   show_res = 1;
%   a = meshgrid(1:n);
%   dmat = reshape(sqrt(sum((xyz(a,:)-xyz(a',:)).^2,2)),n,n);
%    = tsp_ga(xyz,dmat,pop_size,num_iter,show_prog,show_res);
% See also: mtsp_ga, tsp_nn, tspo_ga, tspof_ga, tspofs_ga, distmat
% Author: Joseph Kirk
% Email: jdkirk630@gmail.com
% Release: 2.2
% Release Date: 6/2/09
% Process Inputs and Initialize Defaults
nargs = 6;
for k = nargin:nargs-1
    switch k
      case 0
            xy = 10*rand(50,2);
      case 1
            N = size(xy,1);
            a = meshgrid(1:N);
            dmat = reshape(sqrt(sum((xy(a,:)-xy(a',:)).^2,2)),N,N);
      case 2
            pop_size = 100;
      case 3
            num_iter = 1e4;
      case 4
            show_prog = 1;
      case 5
            show_res = 1;
% Verify Inputs
= size(xy);
= size(dmat);
if N ~= nr || N ~= nc
    error('Invalid XY or DMAT inputs!')
n = N;
% Sanity Checks
pop_size = 4*ceil(pop_size/4);
num_iter = max(1,round(real(num_iter(1))));
show_prog = logical(show_prog(1));
show_res = logical(show_res(1));
% Initialize the Population
pop = zeros(pop_size,n);
for k = 1:pop_size
    pop(k,:) = randperm(n);
% Run the GA
global_min = Inf;
total_dist = zeros(1,pop_size);
dist_history = zeros(1,num_iter);
tmp_pop = zeros(4,n);
new_pop = zeros(pop_size,n);
if show_prog
    pfig = figure('Name','TSP_GA | Current Best Solution','Numbertitle','off');
for iter = 1:num_iter
    % Evaluate Each Population Member (Calculate Total Distance)
    for p = 1:pop_size
      d = dmat(pop(p,n),pop(p,1)); % Closed Path
      for k = 2:n
            d = d + dmat(pop(p,k-1),pop(p,k));
      total_dist(p) = d;
    % Find the Best Route in the Population
    = min(total_dist);
    dist_history(iter) = min_dist;
    if min_dist < global_min
      global_min = min_dist;
      opt_rte = pop(index,:);
      if show_prog
            % Plot the Best Route
            rte = opt_rte();
            if dims == 3, plot3(xy(rte,1),xy(rte,2),xy(rte,3),'r.-');
            else plot(xy(rte,1),xy(rte,2),'r.-'); end
            title(sprintf('Total Distance = %1.4f, Iteration = %d',min_dist,iter));
    % Genetic Algorithm Operators
    rand_pair = randperm(pop_size);
    for p = 4:4:pop_size
      rtes = pop(rand_pair(p-3:p),:);
      dists = total_dist(rand_pair(p-3:p));
       = min(dists);
      best_of_4_rte = rtes(idx,:);
      ins_pts = sort(ceil(n*rand(1,2)));
      I = ins_pts(1);
      J = ins_pts(2);
      for k = 1:4 % Mutate the Best to get Three New Routes
            tmp_pop(k,:) = best_of_4_rte;
            switch k
                case 2 % Flip
                  tmp_pop(k,I:J) = fliplr(tmp_pop(k,I:J));
                case 3 % Swap
                  tmp_pop(k,) = tmp_pop(k,);
                case 4 % Slide
                  tmp_pop(k,I:J) = tmp_pop(k,);
                otherwise % Do Nothing
      new_pop(p-3:p,:) = tmp_pop;
    pop = new_pop;
if show_res
    % Plots the GA Results
    figure('Name','TSP_GA | Results','Numbertitle','off');
    if dims == 3, plot3(xy(:,1),xy(:,2),xy(:,3),'k.');
    else plot(xy(:,1),xy(:,2),'k.'); end
    title('City Locations');
    title('Distance Matrix');
    rte = opt_rte();
    if dims == 3, plot3(xy(rte,1),xy(rte,2),xy(rte,3),'r.-');
    else plot(xy(rte,1),xy(rte,2),'r.-'); end
    title(sprintf('Total Distance = %1.4f',min_dist));
    title('Best Solution History');
% Return Outputs
if nargout
    varargout{1} = opt_rte;
    varargout{2} = min_dist;

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 【分享】一个遗传算法求解TSP问题的Matlab程序