uuvv 发表于 2010-9-8 16:20:45

Matlab 2010b released

Released September 3, 2010

What's New in Release 2010bRelease 2010b includes new features in MATLAB and Simulink, one new product, and updates and bug fixes to 85 other products. Subscribers to MathWorks Software Maintenance Service can download product updates. Visit the License Center to download products, activate software, and manage your license and user information.
New capabilities for the MATLAB product family include: [*]Custom enumerated data types, 64-bit integer arithmetic, and desktop enhancements in MATLAB[*]GPU computing with CUDA-enabled NVIDIA devices in Parallel Computing Toolbox[*]Support for the GigE Vision hardware standard in Image Acquisition Toolbox[*]Automated PID tuning in Control System Toolbox[*]New System objects for communications design in MATLAB, supporting 95 algorithms in Communications Blockset[*]Spline Toolbox capabilities merged into Curve Fitting Toolbox[*]OAS and CDS calculations in Fixed Income Toolbox, Reuters Contribute functionality in Datafeed Toolbox, and credit risk enhancements in Financial Toolbox[*]Graphical tool for fitting dynamic networks to time-series data in Neural Network Toolbox[*]Next-Generation Sequencing Browser in Bioinformatics Toolbox and time lag, error models, and covariate analysis in SimBiology[*]New capabilities for the Simulink product family include: [*]Arrays of buses with For Each subsystems for reducing Simulink model size, simulation time, and data copies for large-scale models[*]Subsystem variants in Simulink and atomic subcharts in Stateflow to create reusable model components[*]Test harness generation, data logging, and scripted test execution in Simulink Verification and Validation[*]Parallel builds of model reference hierarchies with Real-Time Workshop and MATLAB Distributed Computing Server[*]SimRF, based on Simscape, including circuit envelope simulation and RF Blockset capabilities[*]FPGA Workflow Advisor, critical path highlighting, and DO-254 support in Simulink HDL Coder[*]Multicore support for multirate models in xPC Target and xPC Target Turnkey systems[*]New capabilities for Polyspace code verification products include: [*]Web interface for viewing project metrics in Polyspace Server for C/C++ and Polyspace Server for Ada[*]Support for all statically enforceable MISRA-C++ coding standards in Polyspace Client for C/C++

zccbest 发表于 2010-9-8 21:51:47

Release 2010b 包括 MATLAB 和 Simulink 的若干新功能、一款新产品以及对其它 85 款产品的更新和缺陷修复。 已经购买 MathWorks 软件维护服务的用户可以下载产品更新。 访问许可中心下载产品、激活软件并管理许可证和用户信息。

MATLAB 产品系列的新功能包括:
· 自定义枚举数据类型、64 位整型算法和桌面增强功能
· 通过启用 CUDA 的 NVIDIA 设备进行 GPU 计算
· 对 GigE Vision 硬件标准的支持
· 自动 PID 调优
· 在 MATLAB 中用于通讯设计的新系统对象,支持 95 算法
· 合并到 Curve Fitting Toolbox 中的 Spline Toolbox 功能
· Fixed Income Toolbox 中的OAS 和 CDS 功能、Datafeed Toolbox 中的 Reuters Contribute 功能和 Financial Toolbox 中的信贷风险增强功能
· 将动态网络拟合到时序数据的图形工具
· Bioinformatics Toolbox 中的下一代定序浏览器以及 SimBiology 中的时间延迟、错误模型和协变量分析

Simulink 产品系列的新功能包括:
· 带有 For Each 子系统的总线数组,用于降低 Simulink 大型模型的模型大小、仿真时间和数据副本数量
· Simulink 中的子系统变量和 Stateflow 中的原子子图表,用于生成可重用的模型组件
· 测试线束生成、数据记录和脚本测试执行
· 利用 Real-Time Workshop 和 MATLAB Distributed Computing Server 并行构建模型引用层次
· 基于 Simscape 的 SimRF,包括电路包络仿真和 RF 模块集功能
· FPGA Workflow Advisor、关键路径突出显示和 DO-254 支持
· xPC Target 和 xPC Target Turnkey 系统中对多速率模型的多核支持

feiyuzhen 发表于 2010-9-8 22:45:10

GPU 计算令人期待
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