wangdong 发表于 2010-11-3 10:10:15


哪位能指点一下怎样定义刚性墙啊 怎么付给他相应的材料属性 还有怎么给他加质量和速度???谢谢啊

lzkhnu 发表于 2010-11-3 11:30:52

在help里面有一个定义rigid wall的实例,那里面讲得很清楚你可以参考下
看了下rigid wall的概念,希望高手能对rigid wall 做个全面的解释。
Rigid wall definitions have been divided into two separate sections._PLANAR and _GEOMETRIC. Planar walls can be either stationary or moving in translational motion with mass and initial velocity. The planar wall can be either finite and infinite. Geometric walls can be planar as well as have the geometric shapes such as rectangular prism. cylindrical prism and sphere. By default, these walls are stationary unless the option MOTION is invoked for either prescribed translational velocity or displacement. Unlike the planar walls, the motion of the geometric wall is governed by a load curve. Multiple geometric walls can be defined to model combinations of geometric shapes available.

孙浩男 发表于 2011-11-14 09:11:10


蕙质兰心 发表于 2011-11-16 15:02:51

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