leiyuan876 发表于 2010-12-6 17:17:42



tg0215 发表于 2010-12-7 03:44:50

Obtaining mechanical properties of Coal Measures rocks is always a major issue for numerical modeling. Strength and deformational modulus obtained from laboratory tests can not be directly used for large scale numerical modeling. Rock is one thing, rock mass is another. The strength of rock mass decreases significantly with increasing specimen size, which is so called scale effect.The relationship between the rock mass strength and specimen size can be obtained by doing a series of field tests, which is very expensive and time consuming. Fortunately, we still have three ways to estimate this relationship, back-analysis, empirical rock mass classification approaches like GSI, RMR, et al, and Synthetic Rock Mass methodology.

In terms of goaf modeling, double-yield model probably is an appropriate constitutive model.

leiyuan876 发表于 2010-12-7 16:19:20


leiyuan876 发表于 2010-12-7 16:26:00

谢谢你的建议,再请教一下啊,就是踩空区的D Y 模型的参数是指应力应变数据,体积模量,剪切模量,内摩擦角吗?请问这些参数我们该如何去确定,谢谢了。

leiyuan876 发表于 2010-12-7 16:57:29

不好意思啊,最近在研究参数选取的方法,可能问题比较多啊,麻烦你了啊,还有些问题需要请教啊 。一般我们做岩土的数值模拟都用摩尔库伦模型,但是它是个静态的模拟,开采会有扰动的,之前我看了一些文章说用霍克布朗的经验公式去算那些参数,然后用到摩尔库伦模型,这样不知道是否合理。还是我们应该直接调用霍克布朗模型,然后确定这种模型的参数m,s.请问这两种方法,那种合理,如果你对这方面了解比较多的话,请多指教下,感谢啊。

tg0215 发表于 2010-12-8 02:45:13

Sorry I don't know much about DY model. The methodology I used to model gob is using elastic model, by modifying bulk and shear according to stress to soften and harden gob material.

tg0215 发表于 2010-12-8 03:07:01

不好意思啊,最近在研究参数选取的方法,可能问题比较多啊,麻烦你了啊,还有些问题需要请教啊 。一般我们做岩土的数值模拟都用摩尔库伦模型,但是它是个静态的模拟,开采会有扰动的,之前我看了一些文章说用霍克布朗 ...
leiyuan876 发表于 2010-12-7 16:57 http://forum.simwe.com/images/common/back.gif
Choosing constitutive model is dependent on your problem. Mining-induced stress can not be considered in your model by just choosing a constitutive model. It should be incorporated by mining step by step. Using HB to calculate rock mass properties like cohesion, friction angle is a good way, which is one of the third approaches I mentioned before. It's hard to say which model is the most appropriate one to simulate rock, it depends on your specific problem and how detailed data you can get. Sophisticated models need many parameters which are difficult to be obtained. And aslo, the more complicated model you use, the more difficult to interpret results.

leiyuan876 发表于 2010-12-8 16:55:45

thanke you rery much ,good luck for you.

crcc11 发表于 2010-12-8 20:59:00

good luck to you.
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