songzhigong 发表于 2011-5-13 23:42:52


*** ERROR *** CODE ADF2254:

    Failed in solving boundary equations in boundary condition 2.

    Possible causes are:

       * Incorrect boundary conditions have been applied;
       * Physical model is unstable;
       * Solution procedure is divergent.

*** ERROR *** CODE ADF8509:

    This is an internal error message.

    In core memory has not been initiated.
    Current program location is in MEMERR.

songzhigong 发表于 2011-5-13 23:44:36

第一次遇到,尤其是第二个,都木有听说过,请问是怎么回事? 1# songzhigong

Marssoledad 发表于 2011-5-14 15:27:57

"adina-f   *** ERROR *** CODE ADF2254:Failed in solving boundary equations in boundary condition 11.Possible causes are:* Incorrect boundary conditions have been applied;* Physical model is unstable;* Solution procedure is divergent.前台阶模型进口超音速,出口自由。automatic timestep on, cfl数调到1,gmres迭代求解。求解的第一步就出错了, 就是上面的那个error. 查了一下赞助,对于supersonic flow 应当考虑1、边界条件满足状态方程;2、初值合理(又查赞助文件说请求初值设定也要满足状态方程也就是ideal gas law);3、工质属性给定正确。我设定工质属性应当没问题的,就是按照理想气体的参数给定。初值按照超音速入口边界条件给定。这方面求解有什么技巧么?"是上的内容,流固的我不懂.你自己看看吧.
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查看完整版本: 大家好,请问有谁了解这两个error的解决方式,十分感谢