feilu1124 发表于 2011-5-27 09:30:28


本帖最后由 feilu1124 于 2011-5-27 12:07 编辑

1、<img src="info.png">Export results are unavailable as no suitable boundaries exist for use as export surfaces. Mesh motion on a boundary invalids its use as an export surface.
2、<img src="info.png">Mesh motion is specified on the boundary 'opening1' in domain, 'Default Domain Modified'. This feature is fully supported for motion that is tangent to the boundary. Solution errors will, however, be introduced if motion is normal to the boundary.
3、<img src="warn.png">The ANSYS solution units defined in the input file via the /UNITS,MPA command differ from the current CFX solution units. All necessary unit conversions will be applied to data transfers between the solvers.
4、<img src="info.png">Automatic generation of default interfaces is not currently active. This feature can be activated by right-clicking on the 'Simulation' branch.

请高手帮忙看看这几个问题,还有边界条件设置中mesh motion 我均设置为unspecified, 这个设置有什么问题么?附图一张,请指教!谢谢!
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