lccbaby 发表于 2011-9-6 20:47:21

jyliao 发表于 2011-9-6 18:58 static/image/common/back.gif
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plot(Xi, Pi)

理解起来还是有困难。Xi = weibinv(Pi,A,B),这个函数是什么意思?是代表应力范围服从参数为AB的weibull分布当所占百分比为pi是对应的应力范围值吗?

jyliao 发表于 2011-9-7 18:50:28

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% S-N curve....N(x) = C/(x^m)
m = 3;
C =10^10.45;
% Weibull Stress-Range distribution
A = 119;
B = 1.226;
%B = 1 for a Exp. distribution
%B = 2 for a Rayleigh distribution
Ntot = 0.6E8;% Total stress-cycles
Damage = @(x) Ntot/C*(x.^m).*wblpdf(x, A, B);
% Define integration upper bound
xup = wblinv(0.9999999, A, B);
Q = quadl(Damage, 0, xup);
% Exact solution, ref: Lalanne, 2Ed, V4, p.244, Eq.[**0].
Qex = Ntot/C*(A^m)*gamma(1+m/B);

lccbaby 发表于 2011-9-12 09:06:25

jyliao 发表于 2011-9-7 18:50 static/image/common/back.gif
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% S-N curve....N(x) = C/(x^m)

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查看完整版本: 二参数的weibull分布随机数序列