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【分享】K.J. Bathe和ADINA简介

发表于 2003-8-11 16:24:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 日本
向K.J. Bathe老先生学习,看来不光教书育人可以,软件开发指导的也不错。请问谁知道他门下的中国留学生,给个信号,谢谢。:I
Klaus-J. Bathe 8D8D
address    Room 3-356   
phone    (617) 253-6645   
fax    (617) 253-2275   
Teaching Interests:
Finite Element Methods
Continuum Mechanics
Latest Written Books :
Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, 1996
The Finite Element Analysis of Shells - Fundamentals (with D. Chapelle), Springer, 2003
Editor of Proceedings:
Editor of Proceedings of twelve bi-yearly finite element state-of-the-art Conferences, held at M.I.T., Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and ADINA. The 12th and last of these Conferences was held on June 9-11, 1999, and the Proceedings are published in Computers & Structures, Vol. 72, 1999 (see Preface in these Proceedings for references to Proceedings of earlier Conferences).
Editor of Proceedings of the M.I.T. Conferences, June 2001 and June 2003, on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics.
- Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2001, (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2001
- Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2003
Research Interests:  
Structures and CFD,
Finite Element Methods
Some Recent Publications (since 1998)  
D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, "Fundamental Considerations for the Finite Element Analysis of Shell Structures", Computers & Structures, 66 (1): 19-36, 1998.
D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, "On General Shell Finite Elements and Mathematical Shell Models", Proceedings, Advances in Finite Element Procedures and Techniques, CIVIL-COMP Press, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1998.
K.J. Bathe, Five articles published in ASME Mechanical Engineering Magazine: "How Automatic is Automatic Meshing?", March 1998; "Fluid-Structure Interactions", April 1998; "What Can Go Wrong in FEA?", May 1998; "Current Directions in Meshing", July 1998; "Crush Simulations of Cars with FEA", November 1998.
A. Iosilevich, K.J. Bathe and F. Brezzi, "Numerical Inf-Sup Analysis of MITC Plate Bending Elements", Proceedings, 1996 American Mathematical Society Seminar on Plates and Shells, Qu閎ec, Canada, July 1996 (CRM Proceedings, 21, 1999).
K.J. Bathe, J. Walczak, O. Guillermin, P.A. Bouzinov and H. Chen, "Advances in Crush Analysis", Computers & Structures, 72 (1-3): 31-48, 1999.
K.J. Bathe, H. Zhang and S. Ji, "Finite Element Analysis of Fluid Flows Fully Coupled with Structural Interactions", Computers & Structures, 72 (1-3): 1-16, 1999.
K.J. Bathe, S. Rugonyi and S. De, "On the Current State of Finite Element Methods -- Solids and Structures with Full Coupling to Fluid Flows", in Plenary Lectures of Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (J.M. Ball and J.C.R. Hunt, eds.), Oxford University Press, 2000.
K.J. Bathe, D. Hendriana, F. Brezzi and G. Sangalli, "Inf-Sup Testing of Upwind Methods", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 48: 745-760, 2000.
K.J. Bathe, A. Iosilevich and D. Chapelle, "An Evaluation of the MITC Shell Elements", Computers & Structures, 75 (1): 1-30, 2000.
K.J. Bathe, A. Iosilevich and D. Chapelle, "An Inf-Sup Test for Shell Finite Elements", Computers & Structures, 75 (5): 439-456, 2000.
D. Hendriana and K.J. Bathe, "On Upwind Methods for Parabolic Finite Elements in Incompressible Flows", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 47 (1-3): 317-330, 2000.
D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, "The Mathematical Model Underlying General Shell Elements", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 48 (2): 289-313, 2000.
D. Pantuso, K.J. Bathe and P.A. Bouzinov, "A Finite Element Procedure for the Analysis of Thermo-Mechanical Solids in Contact", Computers & Structures, 75 (6): 551-573, 2000.
S. Rugonyi and K.J. Bathe, "On the Analysis of Fully-Coupled Fluid Flows with Structural Interactions -- a Coupling and Condensation Procedure", International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, 1: 29-41, 2000.
S. De and K.J. Bathe, "The Method of Finite Spheres", Computational Mechanics, 25: 329-345, 2000.
J.F. Hiller, S. De and K.J. Bathe, "On the State-of-the-Art of Finite Element Procedures and a Meshless Technique", in Computational Mechanics for the Twenty-First Century (B.H.V. Topping, ed.), Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2000.
D. Hendriana and K.J. Bathe, "On a Parabolic Quadrilateral Element for Compressible Flows", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 186: 1-22, 2000.
S. De and K.J. Bathe, "Displacement/Pressure Mixed Interpolation in the Method of Finite Spheres", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 51: 275-292, 2001.
S. De and K.J. Bathe, "Towards an Efficient Meshless Computational Technique: The Method of Finite Spheres", Engineering Computations, 18: 170-192, 2001.
S. De and K.J. Bathe, "The Method of Finite Spheres: A Summary of Recent Developments", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2001.
K.J. Bathe, "The Inf-Sup Condition and its Evaluation for Mixed Finite Element Methods", Computers & Structures, 79: 243-252, 971, 2001.
W. Bao, X. Wang and K.J. Bathe, "On the Inf-Sup Condition of Mixed Finite Element Formulations for Acoustic Fluids", Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, 11 (5): 883-901, 2001.
S. Rugonyi and K.J. Bathe, "On the Finite Element Analysis of Fluid Flows Fully Coupled with Structural Interactions", Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2: 195-212, 2001.
S. Rugonyi and K.J. Bathe, "Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent Calculation for Finite Element Discretized Models", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2001.
J.F. Hiller and K.J. Bathe, "On Higher-Order-Accuracy Points in Isoparametric Finite Element Analysis and Application to Error Assessment", Computers & Structures, 79: 1275-1285, 2001.
N. El-Abbasi and K.J. Bathe, "Stability and Patch Test Performance of Contact Discretizations and a New Solution Algorithm", Computers & Structures, 79: 1473-1486, 2001.
N. El-Abbasi and K.J. Bathe, "On a New Segment-to-Segment Contact Algorithm", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2001.
J. Wang, K.J. Bathe and J. Walczak, "A Stress Integration Algorithm for J3-Dependent Elasto-Plasticity Models", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2001.
H. Zhang and K.J. Bathe, "Direct and Iterative Computing of Fluid Flows Fully Coupled with Structures", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2001.
M. Kawka and K.J. Bathe, "Implicit Integration for the Solution of Metal Forming Processes", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2001.
D. Chapelle and K.J. Bathe, "Optimal Consistency Errors for General Shell Elements", C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 332, S閞ie I, 771-776, 2001.
K.J. Bathe and F. Brezzi, "Stability of Finite Element Mixed Interpolations for Contact Problems", Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, s. 9, 12: 159-166, 2001.
S. De and K.J. Bathe, "The Method of Finite Spheres with Improved Numerical Integration", Computers & Structures, 79: 2183-2196, 2001.
K.J. Bathe and J.P. Pontaza, "A Flow-Condition-Based Interpolation Mixed Finite Element Procedure for Higher Reynolds Number Fluid Flows", Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, 12 (4): 525-539, 2002.
S. Rugonyi and K.J. Bathe, "An Evaluation of the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent of Chaotic Continuous Systems", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 56: 145-163, 2003.
Y. Guo and K.J. Bathe, " A Numerical Study of a Natural Convection Flow in a Cavity", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 40: 1045-1057, 2002.
P.S. Lee and K.J. Bathe, "On the Asymptotic Behavior of Shell Structures and the Evaluation in Finite Element Solutions", Computers & Structures, 80: 235-255, 2002.
K.J. Bathe and H. Zhang, "A Flow-Condition-Based Interpolation Finite Element Procedure for Incompressible Fluid Flows", Computers & Structures, 80: 1267-1277, 2002.
K.J. Bathe, " Key Challenges at 40 Years After", Proceedings, UC Berkeley-CUREE Symposium in Honor of Ray Clough and Joseph Penzien, Berkeley, CA, pp. 30-31, 2002.
K.J. Bathe, J.F. Hiller and H. Zhang, "On the Finite Element Analysis of Shells and their Full Interaction with Navier-Stokes Fluid Flows", (B.H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar, eds.), Computational Structures Technology, Civil-Comp Press, 2002; also special publication of the Croatian Academy of the Arts and Sciences, Zagreb, Sept. 2002.
K.J. Bathe, D. Chapelle and P.S. Lee, "A Shell Problem 'Highly-Sensitive' to Thickness Changes", Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, in press
J.F. Hiller and K.J. Bathe, "Measuring Convergence of Mixed Finite Element Discretizations: An Application to Shell Structures", Computers & Structures, 81: 639-654, 2003.
K.J. Bathe, P.S. Lee and J.F. Hiller, "Towards Improving the MITC9 Shell Element", Computers & Structures, 81: 477-489, 2003.
S. De, J.W. Hong and K.J. Bathe, "On the Method of Finite Spheres in Applications: Towards the Use with ADINA and in a Surgical Simulator", Computational Mechanics, in press.
J.W. Hong and K.J. Bathe, "On Analytical Transformations for Efficiency Improvements in the Method of Finite Spheres", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2003.
N. Elabbasi and K.J. Bathe, "Some Advances in Modeling Multiphysics-Biomedical Applications", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2003.
F.J. Montans and K.J. Bathe, "On the Stress Integration in Large Strain Elasto-Plasticity", in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 (K.J. Bathe, ed.), Elsevier, 2003.
K.J. Bathe and H. Zhang, "Finite Element Developments for General Fluid Flows with Structural Interactions", Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, in press.
K.J. Bathe and F.J. Montans, "On Modeling Mixed Hardening in Computational Plasticity", Computers & Structures, submitted.
D. Chapelle, A. Ferent and K. J. Bathe, "3D-Shell Elements and Their Underlying Mathematical Model", Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, submitted.
For further publications  
see Klaus-J gen Bathe in isihighlycited.com and
Preface (by J.W. Tedesco and J. Walczak) in Computers & Structures, 81: 455-462, 2003.
Major Other Professional Activities:
Founder and Director of ADINA R&D, Inc., the company developing the ADINA program.
Editor of Computers & Structures, an international journal.
Editor of the Book Series: Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Springer.
B.Sc. 1967 University of Cape Town, South Africa  
M.Sc. 1969 University of Calgary, Canada  
Ph.D. 1971 University of California, Berkeley  
Society Memberships:
American Society of Civil Engineers  
American Society of Mechanical Engineers  
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Since 1975 at M.I.T.
First M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 12 - 15, 2001.
Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17 - 20, 2003.  
Please visit www.secondmitconference.org  
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