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[12.前后处理] 请问耦合变量的含义model couplings

发表于 2012-12-24 21:55:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 湖北武汉
一直没搞明白Extrusion、Projection这两种model couplings的含义,不知道怎么用。但是感觉现在在做的一个东西很需要用到这两个东西,所以希望大家帮忙指点一下。
Extrusion. These operators—General Extrusion, Linear Extrusion, Boundary Similarity, and Identity Mapping—connect a source and a destination and take an expression as an argument. When it is evaluated at a point in the destination, its value is computed by evaluating the argument at a corresponding point in the source. 这句话是什么意思?
Projection. These coupling operators—General Projection and Linear Projection—evaluate a series of line or curve integrals on the source domain, where the line or curve positions depend on the positions of the evaluation points in the destination domain.还有这句的意思也不太明白。
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