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[其他] 西交利物浦大学土木工程实验员招聘 月薪7261 – 10154

发表于 2014-2-21 11:56:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏

西交利物浦大学 土木工程实验员 位置有兴趣吗? 要求熟练用英语交流,最好有土木实验室工作经验。

基本工资月薪7,261 – 10,154 ,每年有两种加薪机会: 通货膨胀率加薪 (根据中国过去一年的通货膨胀率来调整基本工资,去年为4%) 和 业务加薪(完成基本任务,基本每个员工每年都有加)。

有意者可以非正式联系  Guobin.gong@xjtlu.edu.cn 或者 Head of  Department, Dr. Chee Seong Chin (chee.chin@xjtlu.edu.cn).



Department: Civil Engineering

Ref: CEG1308

Closing date for receipt of applications: 05 March 2014

Chief Technician

Department: Civil Engineering
Ref: CEG1308
Closing date for receipt of applications: 11 February 2014

Duties and Responsibilities:
Application is invited for a Chief Technician position in the Department of Civil Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Candidate will have management experience to lead the Civil Engineering technicians to support the laboratory and practical activities. Candidate will ensure the efficiency of the technical support team and smooth operation of the Civil Engineering laboratories in order to support the research and teaching activities. The main responsibilities and duties of the job are to:

- Develop an understanding of the equipment used in laboratories giving a decision-making capability with regard to its installation and maintenance;
- Identify and raise awareness of health and safety hazards in the Civil Engineering laboratories together with an audit process;
- Develop instruction manual and technical/operational standards;
- In charge for upkeep, maintenance, calibration and proper usage of equipment;
- Facilitate the supervision, organisation and job allocation of other technical support staffs in the laboratory;
- Assist and advise with the specification, procurement and installation of appropriate equipment for the future development of the Civil Engineering laboratories.

Education and Qualifications:
Candidate will have first degree in Civil Engineering (or an appropriate field) and management experience to lead the Civil Engineering technicians to support the laboratory and practical activities. Candidate will ensure the efficiency of the technical support team and smooth operation of the Civil Engineering laboratories in order to support the research and teaching activities. It is expected that the candidate will have good organisational skills to handle multiple priorities with ability to communicate in English and Mandarin. Candidate with technician membership (or above) of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) or Institution of Structural Engineers (IstructE) or similar would be an added advantage.

The salary range for the positions is 7,261 – 10,154 RMB/month. Informal enquiries may be addressed to the Head of Department, Dr. Chee Seong Chin (chee.chin@xjtlu.edu.cn).

All applicants should apply using the HR online application system. Please click the ‘Apply’ button below and register a user account. After registration, you will be asked to upload your CV, submit a covering letter (in English) outlining your interest in the position, and complete the online Basic Information, Referees and Equal Opportunities forms.

If you are experiencing difficulties using our HR online application system, please contact: recruitment.hr@xjtlu.edu.cn.

First degree in Civil Engineering (or an appropriate field). Candidate with technician membership (or above) of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) or Institution of Structural Engineers (IstructE) or similar would be an added advantage.

To apply for the position, please provide a CV, a covering letter in English outlining your interest in the post and explaining how you meet the criteria (this is particularly important as it will be taken into consideration when short listing applications), and complete an Applicant Information Form Academic or Applicant Information Form Admin and Equal Opportunities Form. Further details about XJTLU, the job description, Applicant Information Form and Equal Opportunities Form can be found on our website: http://www.xjtlu.edu.cn. A CV, covering letter, Applicant Information Form and Equal Opportunities Form should be sent to jobs@xjtlu.edu.cn( for admin posts) or jobs-ac@xjtlu.edu.cn(for academic posts) ,with the position titles and the corresponding job reference numbers included in the subject line of your email.

All applicants should apply using the HR online application system. Please click the ‘Apply’ button below and register a user account. After registration, you will be asked to upload your CV, submit a covering letter (in English) outlining your interest in the position, and complete the online Basic Information, Referees and Equal Opportunities forms.

If you are experiencing difficulties using our HR online application system, please contact: recruitment.hr@xjtlu.edu.cn.

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