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[计算力学] 转载:Information Packet: The 2nd Sandia Fracture Challenge

发表于 2014-6-1 17:23:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 陕西西安
本帖最后由 guojunhang 于 2014-6-2 21:28 编辑

The 2nd Sandia Fracture Challenge!
Dear colleagues & mechanicians:
The next Sandia Fracture Challenge is here!  Please find attached an information packet (“SFC2-challenge-v4.ppt”), for you to consider participating in this Challenge. If you have any questions, please e-mail Brad Boyce at blboyce@sandia.gov and copy my colleague, Dr. Sharlotte Kramer, slkrame@sandia.gov.  Also, please pass this invitation along to any other computational mechanicians who may be interested in participating.  
Background:  In 2012, we issued the 1st Sandia Fracture Challenge to the computational solid mechanics community.  51 participants self-assembled into 14 teams representing 23 different institutions to predict the mechanical deformation and ductile tearing of a novel geometry under quasi-static loading.  Their blind predictions were compared against experiments only after they had reported their predictions, precluding the possibility to ‘tune’ the predictions.  The predictions and their comparison to experimental outcomes culminated in an invited ASME symposium, a Sandia-funded workshop, and ultimately a Special Issue of the International Journal of Fracture (vol. 186, published online January 2014).  The Special Issue included a lead article (hyperlinks below) summarizing the outcome of the challenge with co-authorship from all the participants, and in addition several teams chose to publish their own detailed peer-reviewed full-length article.
Hyperlink to the Lead Article: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10704-013-9904-6
Hyperlink to the entire Special Issue: http://link.springer.com/journal/10704/186/1/page/1

All the best,
Brad Boyce
Brad L. Boyce, Ph.D.
Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratories
PO Box 5800, MS0889
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0889
ph:  (505)845-7525
fax: (505)844-7910
cell: (505)366-3332
e-mail: blboyce@sandia.gov

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-14 11:30:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西咸阳

Dear prospective Sandia Fracture Challenge participants:

The Sandia Fracture Challenge Shear Calibration Data Set is finally here!  We deeply apologize for the extensive delay of the delivery of this information.  The shear tests performed here required careful experimentation and documentation, but, as you will see, the specimens showed repeatable behavior.  In light of the extensive delay of this information, we are extending the deadline for the Challenge predictions to November 1st.

The attached supplemental information packet (“SFC2-Supplemental.ppt”) contains not only the shear calibration data for the Challenge material, but also images of all the failed tensile specimens and pre-test geometry measurements for the actual Challenge geometry specimens. The data files listed on Slide 3 of the attached information packet are Excel Workbooks that are large in size.  Therefore, I will send a subsequent 11 emails with the attached data files in order to keep each email under 20MB; though cumbersome for your email inbox, this is the simplest method for sending the data around the world from Sandia.  If you are unable to receive any of the data files in the subsequent 11 emails, please e-mail me, Sharlotte Kramer, at slkrame@sandia.gov.  If you have any questions regarding the Supplemental Information, please e-mail me at slkrame@sandia.gov,and copy Brad Boyce at blboyce@sandia.gov.

If you would like to be removed from this e-mail list, or if you are being forwarded this e-mail and would like to be added to the e-mail list, please let both Brad Boyce and me know (blboyce@sandia.gov & slkrame@sandia.gov).


Sharlotte Kramer


Sharlotte L.B. Kramer, Ph.D.

Sandia National Laboratories

Structural Mechanics Laboratory


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