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[Motion] 这么简单的模型为什么总是出错??

发表于 2015-6-1 14:53:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 陕西西安
为什么这么简单的模型会出错呢?固定在地面上的平板上有一条直线或者曲线,然后想让另外一个圆柱形的body沿着这条曲线运动,添加一个point-Curve Joint 但是总是报出各种各样的错。


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发表于 2015-6-6 16:52:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏南京
ayfuheng 发表于 2015-6-3 09:29
路过的大神都指点指点 啊,谢谢各位了

你的模型我大概看了一下,导致最终出错的地方在于你的TimeLength Function符号弄错了,加个负号就行了。当然这样仅仅不报错而已,还有一些问题,我帮你改了一下,你自己看看吧。效果图如下:



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发表于 2015-6-2 19:33:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏南京
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-3 08:32:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西西安
skystreak 发表于 2015-6-2 19:33

Input file: C:\Users\Administrator\AnalysisCase.1.LMSMotionSolverInput

Solver: Virtual.Lab Motion Solver DLL Version 12.0 Rev12 Jun  5 2013 Intel Release 64bit
Interface: LMS Virtual.Lab?Rev 12 64 bit Build 06-03-2013.9 from Install
Hostname: XZ-201501040950
OS Type: Windows
Release: 6.1 4bit
Version: Build 7601
Machine: 8664
Integer size:    5000000
Real size:    5000000
Mcheps: 0.22204460492503E-15

Warning in data for the rigid body "BodyFromNewPart.2".
The inertia matrix must be positive definite. The principle moments
of inertia are
Inertia.1 = 0.36651914291881E-16
Inertia.2 = 0.36651914291881E-16
Inertia.3 = 0.31415926535898E-16

Warning (dynamic data element):  When "INTERPOLATED" is selected for the
print method, the print frequency feature cannot be used.  PRINT.Freq is
being reset to zero (disabled) and execution is continuing.

Features using licenses
LMS_VL_MOT_33 "Motion Solver Core"

Warning:  Prior to assembly the number of constraints, drivers and
initial conditions is not equal to the number of generalized
coordinates.  The assembly algorithm will be executed but the
result will represent one of several possible solutions.
Number of constraints, drivers, I.C's =                   19
Number of generalized coordinates     =                   22

Results achieved by the model assembly process:

  Number of function evaluations =     1
  Maximum constraint violation   =   0.135525E-18

Element: BodyFromNewPart.1
    Coordinate    New Value     Original Value  Difference
    X             0.14445E-03    0.14445E-03     0.0000   
    Y            -0.33866E-03   -0.33866E-03     0.0000   
    Z            -0.10000E-03   -0.10000E-03     0.0000   
    E0             1.0000         1.0000         0.0000   
    E1             0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   
    E2             0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   
    E3             0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   

Element: BodyFromNewPart.2
    Coordinate    New Value     Original Value  Difference
    X            -0.80000E-03   -0.80000E-03     0.0000   
    Y             0.60000E-03    0.60000E-03     0.0000   
    Z             0.10000E-03    0.10000E-03     0.0000   
    E0             0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   
    E1             1.0000         1.0000         0.0000   
    E2             0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   
    E3             0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   

Element: GlobalFixedToGroundBody
    Coordinate    New Value     Original Value  Difference
    X              0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   
    Y              0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   
    Z              0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   
    E0             1.0000         1.0000         0.0000   
    E1             0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   
    E2             0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   
    E3             0.0000         0.0000         0.0000   

Element: PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2
    Coordinate    New Value     Original Value  Difference
    Rel.crd.1     0.19645E-02    0.19645E-02     0.0000   

Ignoring Initial conditions, the following were chosen
as independent coordinates:

Element: BodyFromNewPart.2
    Coordinate:  E3        

Element: BodyFromNewPart.2
    Coordinate:  E0        

Element: BodyFromNewPart.2
    Coordinate:  E2        
Using QR Initial Velocity Method

Warning:  Initial conditions may not be sufficient (DAP2).
Solution of initial velocities, using QR method:

Element: BodyFromNewPart.1
    Coordinate    Velocity
    X              0.00000   
    Y              0.00000   
    Z              0.00000   
    E0             0.00000   
    E1             0.00000   
    E2             0.00000   
    E3             0.00000   

Element: BodyFromNewPart.2
    Coordinate    Velocity
    X            -0.117432E-04
    Y             0.993081E-04
    Z              0.00000   
    E0             0.00000   
    E1             0.00000   
    E2             0.00000   
    E3             0.00000   

Element: GlobalFixedToGroundBody
    Coordinate    Velocity
    X              0.00000   
    Y              0.00000   
    Z              0.00000   
    E0             0.00000   
    E1             0.00000   
    E2             0.00000   
    E3             0.00000   

Element: PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2
    Coordinate    Velocity
    Rel.crd.1     0.100000E-03

Solution of velocities in local coordinates:

Element: BodyFromNewPart.1
    Coordinate    Velocity
    X              0.00000   
    Y              0.00000   
    Z              0.00000   
    OMEGA_XL       0.00000   
    OMEGA_YL       0.00000   
    OMEGA_ZL       0.00000   

Element: BodyFromNewPart.2
    Coordinate    Velocity
    X            -0.117432E-04
    Y             0.993081E-04
    Z              0.00000   
    OMEGA_XL       0.00000   
    OMEGA_YL       0.00000   
    OMEGA_ZL       0.00000   

Element: GlobalFixedToGroundBody
    Coordinate    Velocity
    X              0.00000   
    Y              0.00000   
    Z              0.00000   
    OMEGA_XL       0.00000   
    OMEGA_YL       0.00000   
    OMEGA_ZL       0.00000   

Number of real data in the system     =     14137
Number of integer data in the system  =     11490

Solution of accelerations in local coordinates:

Element: BodyFromNewPart.1
    Coordinate    Acceleration
    X              0.00000   
    Y              0.00000   
    Z              0.00000   
    OMEGAD_XL      0.00000   
    OMEGAD_YL      0.00000   
    OMEGAD_ZL      0.00000   

Element: BodyFromNewPart.2
    Coordinate    Acceleration
    X             0.912811E-05
    Y             0.107940E-05
    Z              0.00000   
    OMEGAD_XL     0.185040E-01
    OMEGAD_YL     0.156482   
    OMEGAD_ZL      0.00000   

Element: GlobalFixedToGroundBody
    Coordinate    Acceleration
    X              0.00000   
    Y              0.00000   
    Z              0.00000   
    OMEGAD_XL      0.00000   
    OMEGAD_YL      0.00000   
    OMEGAD_ZL      0.00000   

Total Number of Bodies             =    3

Total Number of Degrees of Freedom =   19
Number of Kinematic Constraints    =   16
Number of Drivers                  =    1
Number of Initial Conditions       =    0
Number of Degrees of Freedom       =    3

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.50000000000000E-04.
Parameter value is 0.19644577914622E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.12500000000000E-04.
Parameter value is 0.19644540414622E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.31250000000000E-05.
Parameter value is 0.19644531039622E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.78125000000000E-06.
Parameter value is 0.19644528695872E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.19531250000000E-06.
Parameter value is 0.19644528109934E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.48828125000000E-07.
Parameter value is 0.19644527963450E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.12207031250000E-07.
Parameter value is 0.19644527926829E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.30517578125000E-08.
Parameter value is 0.19644527917674E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.76293945312500E-09.
Parameter value is 0.19644527915385E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.19073486328125E-09.
Parameter value is 0.19644527914813E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.50000000000000E-04.
Parameter value is 0.19644577914622E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.12500000000000E-04.
Parameter value is 0.19644540414622E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.31250000000000E-05.
Parameter value is 0.19644531039622E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.78125000000000E-06.
Parameter value is 0.19644528695872E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.19531250000000E-06.
Parameter value is 0.19644528109934E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.48828125000000E-07.
Parameter value is 0.19644527963450E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.12207031250000E-07.
Parameter value is 0.19644527926829E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.30517578125000E-08.
Parameter value is 0.19644527917674E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.76293945312500E-09.
Parameter value is 0.19644527915385E-02.  

Error: The arc length parameter in the higher-pair joint "PT-CURV-BodyFromNewPart.2-BodyFromNewPart.1.2"
has gone out of range at time 0.19073486328125E-09.
Parameter value is 0.19644527914813E-02.  

Error in DASSL:  At time T =   0.000000000000 and stepsize
H= 0.4768371582031E-10 the corrector could not converge because
IRES was equal to minus one, possibly due to an invalid
initial value in Y.

Following is the BDF Jacobian matrix in sparse format.
The first column of data is the row index, the second
column of data is the column index and the last column is
the nonzero.

Warning (DAE solver):  Corrector could not converge at
time =  0.0000000000000.

The number of symbolic factorizations of the Acceleration matrix =                    1

The number of symbolic factorizations of BDF Jacobian matrix =                    0

Final integrator statistics:
  Number of steps                 =                    0
  Number of f-s                   =                   20
  Number of j-s                   =                    0
  Ratio of f-s/steps              =                    0
  Ratio of j-s/steps              =                    0
  Current time                    =  0.0000000000000
  Total velocity computations     =                    0
  Total position computations     =                    0

ERRCOD was 10000                                                               

    Total elapsed CPU time:   1.308000   
    Total clock time:          2
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-3 09:29:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西西安
路过的大神都指点指点 啊,谢谢各位了
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-8 12:34:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西西安
曾春 发表于 2015-6-6 16:52
你的模型我大概看了一下,导致最终出错的地方在于你的TimeLength Function符号弄错了,加个负号就行了。 ...

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