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[流固耦合] set fish autocreate off(格栅)

发表于 2016-9-24 21:16:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 安徽合肥
set fish autocreate off   
title "simple test of geogrid-soil interface behavior"
gen zone brick size 1 1 1
model mech elastic  ; for the rock , sandy shale
prop bulk=3.33e9 she=2.5e9 ;for the rock, E=6 Gpa, nu=0.2
init syy=@con_stress_       ; apply confining stress, zero or -1.73e3
fix x y z
sel geogrid range y=0.99,1.01
sel delete geogrid range cid =2
sel mode init ypos add -0.5
sel geogrid property thick=0.1 iso=( 20e9 , 0.2)
sel geogrid property cs_sk=2.3e6 cs_scoh=4e3 cs_sfric =30.0
history add sel geogridsel coupling stress cid =1
history add sel geogridsel coupling disp cid =1
sel node fix x y z
sel node init xvel local 1e-6
cycle 3000

sel geogrid property cs_sk=1.3e6 cs_scoh=6e3
cycle 2000

sel geogrid property  cs_scoh=5e3
cycle 500

 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-24 21:17:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 安徽合肥


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