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[LS-PrePost] LS-PREPOST命令流自动实现后处理,不包含lspp退出【已解决】

发表于 2017-3-14 13:36:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 上海
本帖最后由 shiyan155165 于 2017-3-14 13:41 编辑

http://forum.simwe.com/forum.php ... typeid%3D571&page=1


*lsprepost macro command file
*macro begin lspp-bird_ale
open d3plot "F:\isight\LSPP\d3plot"
ident part H5/0 ;
mtime 3 5
xyplot 1 savefile curve_file "F:\isight\LSPP\total.txt" 1 all

 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-14 13:41:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
a list of ls-prepost command

*  c - comment line marker (like using $ in a keyword input file)
    * panel panel_name - bring up the requested panel (ex: "panel measur")
    * showtriad 0 - turn the triad off, 1 turns it on
    * showlegend 0 - turns the legend off, 1 turns it on
    * timestamp 0 - turns timestamp off, 1 turns it on
    * background R G B - R,G,B values range from 0.0 to 1.0 (1 1 1 = white, 0 0 0 = black)
    * textcolor R G B - R,G,B values range from 0.0 to 1.0
    * labelcolor R G B - R,G,B values range from 0.0 to 1.0
    * mesh - turns the mesh on
    * meshcolor R G B - change mesh color R,G,B values range from 0.0 to 1.0
    * ac - centers the parts displayed and fits to graphics area
    * rotang 10 - sets rotation angle to 10 degrees
    * rx - rotates model about global x axis (rotation increment is set by command rotang X, where X is in deg)
    * ry - rotates model about global y axis
    * rz - rotates model about global z axis
    * top - Display top view XY
    * bottom - Display bottom view XY
    * front - Display front view YZ
    * back - Display back view YZ
    * right - Display right view XZ
    * left - DISPLAY left view XZ
    * redraw - redraw the model with current settings
    * home - reset model display to default (top) position
    * hide - change the display to hide mode
    * shad - change the display to shaded mode
    * view - change the display to view mode, flat shaded mode
    * wire - display the model in wire mode
    * feat - display the model in feature mode
    * featang x - change the feature angle to x degrees
    * edge - display the model in edge mode
    * grid - display the model in grid mode
    * shrink - toggle the display mode from shrink to unshrink mode
    * zout - undo the last zin in stack
    * zin xmn ymn xmx ymx - where xmn,ymn,xmx,ymx range from 0.0 to 1.0
    * (0.0,0.0 is the top left corner of the graphics area and 1.0,1.0 is the bottom right)
    * parallel - change the display to parallel projection mode
    * perspective - change the display to perspective projection mode
    * pall - display all parts
    * m i,j,k... - display part i,j,k where i,j,k are part IDs
    * m i:j - display part IDs from PIDi to PIDj
    * +m i:j - add part from PIDi to PIDj to display
    * -m i:j - remove parts from PIDi to PIDj from display
    * +m i - add part i to display
    * -m i - remove part i from display
    * rstpart - restore the last part back to being displayed from stack
    * anim start - start animation
    * anim stop - stop animation
    * state +n - advance display by n states
    * state -n - retard display by n states
    * anim forward - animate forward
    * anim backward - animate backwards
    * anim stop - stop animation
    * anim start - start animation
    * anim cycle - cycle animation forward and backward
    * anim incr n - set animation increment by n states
    * anim first n - set starting state for animation to state n
    * anim last n - set ending state for animation to state n
    * open d3plot plotfile - load d3plot file named plotfile
    * open keyword model.k - load a keyword file named model.k
    * open d3thdt d3thdt - load d3thdt file named d3thdt
    * open command cfile - open command file named cfile
    * new - close all opened model files
    * import keyword model.k - import model.k and add it to the current model
    * exit - exit LS-PrePost
    * t - exit LS-PrePost
    * shademode 0 - change model display to flat shading
    * shademode 1 - change model display to smooth shading
    * raxy - reflect model about xy-plane
    * razy - reflect model about yz-plane
    * raxz - reflect model about xz plane
    * raoff - remove all reflections
    * full - change the graphics area to full screen (Esc to restore)
    * endfull - restore back to GUI and graphics
    * meshlwidth i - where i=1,5 for changing the linewith of the mesh lines
    * edgelwidth i - where i=1,5 for changing the linewith of the edge lines
    * title "xxxxxx" - change title to xxxxxx
    * title 0/1 - 0 to not show the title, 1 to show title
    * timestamp 0/1 - 0 to not show timestamp, 1 to show timestamp
    * showtriad 0/1 - 0 to not show triad, 1 to show triad
    * system "xterm&" - open xterminal
    * system "ls" - list directory
    * system "system command" - issue a unix system command
    * texon 0/1 - 0 to turn off textured fringing, 1 to turn on textured fringing
    * outlining 1 - draw outlines on part free edges
    * outlining 2 - draw outlines on free edges and feature lines of each part
    * outline R G B - where R,G,B values range from 0 to 1
    * outline 0 0 0 - draw outline in black color
    * outline 1 1 1 - draw outline in white color
    * beamprism 0/1 - 0 to draw beams as lines, 1 to draw beams as prisms
    * restore - restore the display to original position and remove all settings
    * userfringefontsize 0-6 - set graphics area font size (0 restores default)
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