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[DYNAFORM专区] Dynaform回弹分析出现错误,请大家指教一下!万分感谢!

发表于 2017-3-22 12:44:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 上海
*** Error 20211 (STR+211)
reading element card for shell element
     undefined node #       14454
  1.199E+00 1.199E+00 1.199E+00 1.199E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
     input phase will continue if possible

*** Error 20211 (STR+211)
reading element card for shell element
     undefined node #       14454
  1.199E+00 1.199E+00 1.199E+00 1.199E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
     input phase will continue if possible

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10055 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6583E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10056 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6550E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10057 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6526E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10058 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6492E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10059 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6461E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10060 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6441E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10061 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6429E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10062 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6410E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10063 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6376E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10064 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6330E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10065 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.6289E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.


*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10132 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.4092E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10133 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.4074E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10134 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.4055E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10135 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.4040E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10136 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.3983E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10137 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.3914E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10138 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.3910E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10139 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.3909E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10140 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.3913E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 10141 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 7.3916E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 20282 (STR+282)
     warpage angle of element ID= 33699 is computed as 1.7088E+02 degrees.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 33699 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 4.2052E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 20282 (STR+282)
     warpage angle of element ID= 33707 is computed as 1.7028E+02 degrees.

*** Warning 21129 (STR+1129)
     shell element, ID= 33707 violates heuristic shape criterion
     area/(longest diagonal)/(longest diagonal) equals: 3.9535E-02
     which may be too small (< 0.1) to permit a stable calculation.

*** Warning 20289 (STR+289)
     Number of elements exceed warpage angle = 2
       min warpage angle = 1.7028E+02
       max warpage angle = 1.7088E+02
contracting memory to      834362 thick shell int. pt. strain
expanding   memory to    11241721 process element material data
expanding   memory to    11243727 load curve data
contracting memory to    11242895 user_define_loading_set
expanding   memory to    11243597 regularize time history data
contracting memory to    11242895 rigidwall definitions
expanding   memory to    11260360 nodal constraint sets
expanding   memory to    11260534 contact interfaces
expanding   memory to    11296462 implicit contact 1
contracting memory to    11261534 contact segment data 1
expanding   memory to    11360582 contact segment data 3
expanding   memory to    11569185 contact definition
expanding   memory to    11639148 rigid body
contracting memory to    11569703 contact friction
contracting memory to    11569703 implicit friction
expanding   memory to    11569718 joints
contracting memory to    11569718 accelerometers
expanding   memory to    11569818 rigid bodies for disp. termination
expanding   memory to    11569821 implicit coupling
contracting memory to    11569821 transformation to move nodes
expanding   memory to    11592781 adaptive constraints
expanding   memory to    11627709 interfac for file
contracting memory to    11610246 thermal expansion 0
expanding   memory to    11610247 flexible body 2
contracting memory to    11610247 implicit joints

*** Error 20018 (STR+18)
     input phase completed with 2 fatal errors
     please check messag file
E r r o r   t e r m i n a t i o n                             03/22/17 12:45:11


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