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[流固耦合] flac3d 6.

发表于 2019-5-13 10:45:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 贵州贵阳
model new
model restore 'model.sav'
model title ' Calculation for External water pressure on lining of subsea tunnels'
fish define setup
  c_perm=2.0e-11         ermeability of rock (m/s)/(Pa/m)
  g_perm=4.0e-13         ;Permeability of grouting loop (m/s)/(Pa/m)
  l_perm=2.0e-12         ;Permeability of liner (m/s)/(Pa/m)
  c_por=0.2              ;porosity of rock
  g_por=0.03             ;porosity of grouting loop
  l_por=0.02             ;porosity of liner
  c_dens=2000            ;density of rock
  g_dens=2400            ;density of grouting loop
  l_dens=2500            ;density of liner
  c_fric=24              ;friction of rock
  g_fric=30              ;friction of grouting loop
  l_fric=35              ;friction of liner
  c_coh=0.72e6           ;cohesion
  g_coh=1.2e6            ;cohesion
  l_coh=1.2e6            ;cohesion
  c_dil=0                ;dilation
  g_dil=0                ;dilation
  l_dil=0                ;dilation  
  c_tens=0.24e6          ;tension
  g_tens=0.8e6           ;tension
  l_tens=1.4e6           ;tension
%%!! Original command: setup
;%%-- Command not recognized.
model configure fluid
; -------------- mechanical model ----------------
zone cmodel assign elastic
%%!! Original command: ini dens c_dens
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a double.
zone property %%bulk,bulk-reference,bulk-maximum%% 'c_bulk' %%flag-shear,shear-minimum,shear-reference,shear,shear-maximum%% 'c_shear'
;%%-- The new property name for bulk depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The new property name for shear depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;;;; --- assign boundary conditions ---
zone gridpoint fix velocity-x range position-x 99.9 100.1
zone gridpoint fix velocity-x range position-x -100.1 -99.9
zone gridpoint fix velocity-x range position-z -150.1 -149.9
zone gridpoint fix velocity-y range position-z -150.1 -149.9
zone gridpoint fix velocity-z range position-z -150.1 -149.9
zone gridpoint fix velocity-y range position-y -0.1 0.1
zone gridpoint fix velocity-y range position-y 0.9 1.1
;; --- initial stress state ---
model gravity 0 0 -10
%%!! Original command: ini szz -45e4  grad 0 0  str_ver
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a DVect.
%%!! Original command: ini sxx -45e4  grad 0 0  str_hor_c
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a DVect.
%%!! Original command: ini syy -45e4  grad 0 0  str_hor_c
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a DVect.
%%!! Original command: apply sxx -45e4 grad 0 0  str_hor_c range x   -100.1  -99.9
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a DVect.
%%!! Original command: apply sxx -45e4 grad 0 0  str_hor_c range x    99.9  100.1
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a DVect.
%%!! Original command: apply syy -45e4 grad 0 0  str_hor_c range y   -0.1   0.1
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a DVect.
%%!! Original command: apply syy -45e4 grad 0 0  str_hor_c range y    0.9   1.1
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a DVect.
zone face apply stress-zz -45e4 gradient 0 0 0 range position-z -0.1 0.1
%%!! Original command: apply szz -45e4 grad 0 0  str_ver   range z   -150.1 -149.9
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a DVect.
; --------------fluid flow model----------------
zone fluid cmodel assign isotropic
zone fluid property permeability 'c_perm'
zone fluid property porosity 'c_por'
zone gridpoint initialize fluid-modulus 0
%%!! Original command: ini fdensity den_water
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a double.
zone gridpoint initialize pore-pressure 45e4 gradient 0 0 -10000
zone gridpoint fix pore-pressure range position-z -0.1 0.1
zone gridpoint fix pore-pressure range position-z -150.1 -149.9
zone gridpoint fix pore-pressure range position-x -100.1 -99.9
zone gridpoint fix pore-pressure range position-x 99.9 100.1
;; --- initial -----
model mechanical active on
model fluid active off
model largestrain on
model history mechanical unbalanced-maximum
;%%- Original Command: plot add his 1
;%%-- PLOT commands are not translated.
;solve               ; check initial equilibrium
;%%- Original Command: plot
;%%-- PLOT commands are not translated.
;%%- Original Command: plot creat view_pp
;%%-- PLOT commands are not translated.
;%%- Original Command: plot add cont pp
;%%-- PLOT commands are not translated.
;%%- Original Command: plot show
;%%-- PLOT commands are not translated.
model save 'ini_1.sav'
zone gridpoint initialize displacement-x 0
zone gridpoint initialize displacement-y 0
zone gridpoint initialize displacement-z 0
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-x 0.0
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-y 0.0
zone gridpoint initialize velocity-z 0.0
zone initialize state 0
%%!! Original command: ini dens g_dens range group 9
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a double.
%%!! Original command: ini dens l_dens range group 1 any group 4 any group 6 any group 8 any
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a double.
zone cmodel assign mohr-coulomb
zone property %%bulk,bulk-reference,bulk-maximum%% 'c_bulk' %%flag-shear,shear-minimum,shear-reference,shear,shear-maximum%% 'c_shear' cohesion 'c_coh' %%friction-0,friction-mobilized,friction,friction-critical%% 'c_fric' tension 'c_tens' range group '10' %%any%% group '11' %%any%%
;%%-- The new property name for bulk depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The new property name for shear depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The new property name for fri depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
zone property %%bulk,bulk-reference,bulk-maximum%% 'c_bulk' %%flag-shear,shear-minimum,shear-reference,shear,shear-maximum%% 'c_shear' cohesion 'c_coh' %%friction-0,friction-mobilized,friction,friction-critical%% 'c_fric' tension 'c_tens' range group '2' %%any%% group '3' %%any%% group '5' %%any%% group '7' %%any%%
;%%-- The new property name for bulk depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The new property name for shear depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The new property name for fri depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
zone property %%bulk,bulk-reference,bulk-maximum%% 'g_bulk' %%flag-shear,shear-minimum,shear-reference,shear,shear-maximum%% 'g_shear' cohesion 'g_coh' %%friction-0,friction-mobilized,friction,friction-critical%% 'g_fric' tension 'g_tens' range group '9'
;%%-- The new property name for bulk depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The new property name for shear depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The new property name for fri depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
zone property %%bulk,bulk-reference,bulk-maximum%% 'l_bulk' %%flag-shear,shear-minimum,shear-reference,shear,shear-maximum%% 'l_shear' cohesion 'l_coh' %%friction-0,friction-mobilized,friction,friction-critical%% 'l_fric' tension 'l_tens' range group '1' %%any%% group '4' %%any%% group '6' %%any%% group '8' %%any%%
;%%-- The new property name for bulk depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The new property name for shear depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The new property name for fri depends on the constitutive model, it could be any of those listed above.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
zone fluid cmodel assign isotropic range group '9'
zone fluid property permeability 'g_perm' range group '9'
zone fluid property porosity 'g_por' range group '9'
zone fluid cmodel assign isotropic range group '1' %%any%% group '4' %%any%% group '6' %%any%% group '8' %%any%%
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
zone fluid property permeability 'l_perm' range group '1' %%any%% group '4' %%any%% group '6' %%any%% group '8' %%any%%
zone fluid property porosity 'l_por' range group '1' %%any%% group '4' %%any%% group '6' %%any%% group '8' %%any%%
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
zone gridpoint initialize fluid-modulus 2e7
%%!! Original command: ini fdensity den_water
;%%!! Error in conversion: not a double.
;; --- excavation -----
zone cmodel assign null range group '2' %%any%% group '3' %%any%% group '5' %%any%% group '7' %%any%%
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
zone fluid cmodel assign null range group '2' %%any%% group '3' %%any%% group '5' %%any%% group '7' %%any%%
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
zone gridpoint initialize pore-pressure 0 range group '2' %%any%% group '3' %%any%% group '5' %%any%% group '7' %%any%%
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
;%%-- The ANY keyword is no longer supported.  See the UNION keyword in the RANGE command documentation.
model mechanical active on
model fluid active on
zone history name '10' pore-pressure source gridpoint gridpointid 1845
zone history name '11' pore-pressure source gridpoint gridpointid 2095
zone history name '12' pore-pressure source gridpoint gridpointid 2313
zone history name '13' displacement-z gridpointid 751
zone history name '14' displacement-x gridpointid 523
zone history name '15' displacement-z gridpointid 1401
zone history name '16' displacement-x gridpointid 99
zone history name '17' pore-pressure source gridpoint gridpointid 1335
zone history name '18' pore-pressure source gridpoint gridpointid 713
zone history name '19' pore-pressure source gridpoint gridpointid 1563
model history name '100' fluid time-total
fish define day
%%!! Original command: day
;%%-- Command not recognized.
%%!! Original command: hist id 101 day
;%%!! Bad conversion of parameter number 4 (day)
%%!! Original command: hist id 102 qflac
;%%!! Bad conversion of parameter number 4 (qflac)
model mechanical %%force%% 1.5e3
;%%-- Specify the FORCE limit in the SOLVE command.
model mechanical substep 1000
model mechanical slave on
model fluid substep 20
model fluid slave off
model solve time-total 3.456e6
model save 'result.sav'
发表于 2019-6-8 11:11:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏徐州
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-6-18 16:07:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自 贵州贵阳
吴迪hello 发表于 2019-6-8 11:11

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发表于 2020-4-11 16:29:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自 重庆
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发表于 2020-11-11 20:46:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自 四川
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