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[INP文件] abaqus某分析步初始增量步被自动缩减

发表于 2022-5-29 17:20:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 广东广州
请教各位,最近abaqus standard使用python脚本设置某分析步初始增量步0.025,inp文件也是记录0.025,但是实际脚本命令mdb.jobs[].submit计算发现初始增量步取了0.008,改用bat文件也是被自动“修正”为0.008。更改初始增量步或把inp文件放到别的电脑上也会出现这样的缩减。不明白为什么会出现这种情况

  1. ......
  2. ** ----------------------------------------------------------------
  3. **
  4. ** step: ml
  5. **
  6. *step, name=ml, nlgeom=yes, inc=10000
  7. *static
  8. 0.025, 1., 1e-08, 0.025
  9. **
  10. ......
  1. ......
  2. print of increment number, time, etc., every    1  increments

  3.      the maximum number of increments in this step is                   10000

  4.           large displacement theory will be used

  5.           unsymmetric matrix storage and solution will be used

  6.      linear extrapolation will be used

  7.      characteristic element length      11.6   

  8.      details regarding actual solution wavefront requested

  9.      detailed output of diagnostics to database requested

  10.      print of increment number, time, etc., to the message file every     1  increments

  11.      element operations will be carried out in parallel using   6 processors
  12.           the initial time increment was reduced to   8.000e-03 to meet the next output time point

  13.      collecting step constraint information for overconstraint checks
  14. ......
与其它没有发生这种情况的模型相比多出了一条“the initial time increment was reduced to   8.000e-03 to meet the next output time point”的信息,但不明白为什么会出现这样的情况。
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